794 lines
30 KiB
794 lines
30 KiB
#include "rtklib.h"
/* system options buffer -----------------------------------------------------*/
prcopt_t prcopt_;
solopt_t solopt_;
// static filopt_t filopt_;
static double elmask_, elmaskar_, elmaskhold_;
static int antpostype_[2]; /* Êý¾ÝÁ÷ÌìÏßλÖøñʽ */
static double antpos_[2][3];
static char exsats_[1024];
static char snrmask_[NFREQ][1024];
/* system options table ------------------------------------------------------*/
#define SWTOPT "0:off,1:on"
#define MODOPT "0:single,1:dgps,2:kinematic,3:static,4:static-start,5:movingbase,6:fixed,7:ppp-kine,8:ppp-static,9:ppp-fixed"
#define FRQOPT "1:l1,2:l1+l2,3:l1+l2+l5,4:l1+l2+l5+l6"
#define TYPOPT "0:forward,1:backward,2:combined,3:combined-nophasereset"
#define IONOPT "0:off,1:brdc,2:sbas,3:dual-freq,4:est-stec,5:ionex-tec,6:qzs-brdc"
#define TRPOPT "0:off,1:saas,2:sbas,3:est-ztd,4:est-ztdgrad"
#define EPHOPT "0:brdc,1:precise,2:brdc+sbas,3:brdc+ssrapc,4:brdc+ssrcom"
#define NAVOPT "1:gps+2:sbas+4:glo+8:gal+16:qzs+32:bds+64:navic"
#define GAROPT "0:off,1:on,2:autocal,3:fix-and-hold"
#define WEIGHTOPT "0:elevation,1:snr"
#define SOLOPT "0:llh,1:xyz,2:enu,3:nmea"
#define TSYOPT "0:gpst,1:utc,2:jst"
#define TFTOPT "0:tow,1:hms"
#define DFTOPT "0:deg,1:dms"
#define HGTOPT "0:ellipsoidal,1:geodetic"
#define GEOOPT "0:internal,1:egm96,2:egm08_2.5,3:egm08_1,4:gsi2000"
#define STAOPT "0:all,1:single"
#define STSOPT "0:off,1:state,2:residual"
#define ARMOPT "0:off,1:continuous,2:instantaneous,3:fix-and-hold"
#define POSOPT "0:llh,1:xyz,2:single,3:posfile,4:rinexhead,5:rtcm,6:raw"
#define TIDEOPT "0:off,1:on,2:otl"
#define PHWOPT "0:off,1:on,2:precise"
extern opt_t sysopts[] = {
{"pos1-posmode", 3, (void *)&prcopt_.mode, MODOPT},
{"pos1-frequency", 3, (void *)&prcopt_.nf, FRQOPT},
{"pos1-soltype", 3, (void *)&prcopt_.soltype, TYPOPT},
{"pos1-elmask", 1, (void *)&elmask_, "deg"},
{"pos1-snrmask_r", 3, (void *)&prcopt_.snrmask.ena[0], SWTOPT},
{"pos1-snrmask_b", 3, (void *)&prcopt_.snrmask.ena[1], SWTOPT},
{"pos1-snrmask_L1", 2, (void *)snrmask_[0], ""},
{"pos1-snrmask_L2", 2, (void *)snrmask_[1], ""},
{"pos1-snrmask_L5", 2, (void *)snrmask_[2], ""},
{"pos1-dynamics", 3, (void *)&prcopt_.dynamics, SWTOPT},
{"pos1-tidecorr", 3, (void *)&prcopt_.tidecorr, TIDEOPT},
{"pos1-ionoopt", 3, (void *)&prcopt_.ionoopt, IONOPT},
{"pos1-tropopt", 3, (void *)&prcopt_.tropopt, TRPOPT},
{"pos1-sateph", 3, (void *)&prcopt_.sateph, EPHOPT},
{"pos1-posopt1", 3, (void *)&prcopt_.posopt[0], SWTOPT},
{"pos1-posopt2", 3, (void *)&prcopt_.posopt[1], SWTOPT},
{"pos1-posopt3", 3, (void *)&prcopt_.posopt[2], PHWOPT},
{"pos1-posopt4", 3, (void *)&prcopt_.posopt[3], SWTOPT},
{"pos1-posopt5", 3, (void *)&prcopt_.posopt[4], SWTOPT},
{"pos1-posopt6", 3, (void *)&prcopt_.posopt[5], SWTOPT},
{"pos1-exclsats", 2, (void *)exsats_, "prn ..."},
{"pos1-navsys", 0, (void *)&prcopt_.navsys, NAVOPT},
{"pos2-armode", 3, (void *)&prcopt_.modear, ARMOPT},
{"pos2-gloarmode", 3, (void *)&prcopt_.glomodear, GAROPT},
{"pos2-bdsarmode", 3, (void *)&prcopt_.bdsmodear, SWTOPT},
{"pos2-arfilter", 3, (void *)&prcopt_.arfilter, SWTOPT},
{"pos2-arthres", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.thresar[0], ""},
{"pos2-arthresmin", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.thresar[5], ""},
{"pos2-arthresmax", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.thresar[6], ""},
{"pos2-arthres1", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.thresar[1], ""},
{"pos2-arthres2", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.thresar[2], ""},
{"pos2-arthres3", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.thresar[3], ""},
{"pos2-arthres4", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.thresar[4], ""},
{"pos2-varholdamb", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.varholdamb, "cyc^2"},
{"pos2-gainholdamb", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.gainholdamb, ""},
{"pos2-arlockcnt", 0, (void *)&prcopt_.minlock, ""},
{"pos2-minfixsats", 0, (void *)&prcopt_.minfixsats, ""},
{"pos2-minholdsats", 0, (void *)&prcopt_.minholdsats, ""},
{"pos2-mindropsats", 0, (void *)&prcopt_.mindropsats, ""},
{"pos2-arelmask", 1, (void *)&elmaskar_, "deg"},
{"pos2-arminfix", 0, (void *)&prcopt_.minfix, ""},
{"pos2-armaxiter", 0, (void *)&prcopt_.armaxiter, ""},
{"pos2-elmaskhold", 1, (void *)&elmaskhold_, "deg"},
{"pos2-aroutcnt", 0, (void *)&prcopt_.maxout, ""},
{"pos2-maxage", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.maxtdiff, "s"},
{"pos2-syncsol", 3, (void *)&prcopt_.syncsol, SWTOPT},
{"pos2-slipthres", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.thresslip, "m"},
{"pos2-dopthres", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.thresdop, "m"},
{"pos2-rejionno", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.maxinno, "m"},
{"pos2-rejgdop", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.maxgdop, ""},
{"pos2-niter", 0, (void *)&prcopt_.niter, ""},
{"pos2-baselen", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.baseline[0], "m"},
{"pos2-basesig", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.baseline[1], "m"},
{"out-solformat", 3, (void *)&solopt_.posf, SOLOPT},
{"out-outhead", 3, (void *)&solopt_.outhead, SWTOPT},
{"out-outopt", 3, (void *)&solopt_.outopt, SWTOPT},
{"out-outvel", 3, (void *)&solopt_.outvel, SWTOPT},
{"out-timesys", 3, (void *)&solopt_.times, TSYOPT},
{"out-timeform", 3, (void *)&solopt_.timef, TFTOPT},
{"out-timendec", 0, (void *)&solopt_.timeu, ""},
{"out-degform", 3, (void *)&solopt_.degf, DFTOPT},
{"out-fieldsep", 2, (void *)solopt_.sep, ""},
{"out-outsingle", 3, (void *)&prcopt_.outsingle, SWTOPT},
{"out-maxsolstd", 1, (void *)&solopt_.maxsolstd, "m"},
{"out-height", 3, (void *)&solopt_.height, HGTOPT},
{"out-geoid", 3, (void *)&solopt_.geoid, GEOOPT},
{"out-solstatic", 3, (void *)&solopt_.solstatic, STAOPT},
{"out-nmeaintv1", 1, (void *)&solopt_.nmeaintv[0], "s"},
{"out-nmeaintv2", 1, (void *)&solopt_.nmeaintv[1], "s"},
{"out-outstat", 3, (void *)&solopt_.sstat, STSOPT},
{"stats-eratio1", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.eratio[0], ""},
{"stats-eratio2", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.eratio[1], ""},
{"stats-eratio5", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.eratio[2], ""},
{"stats-errphase", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.err[1], "m"},
{"stats-errphaseel", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.err[2], "m"},
{"stats-errphasebl", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.err[3], "m/10km"},
{"stats-errdoppler", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.err[4], "Hz"},
{"stats-snrmax", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.err[5], "dB.Hz"},
{"stats-errsnr", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.err[6], "m"},
{"stats-errrcv", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.err[7], " "},
{"stats-stdbias", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.std[0], "m"},
{"stats-stdiono", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.std[1], "m"},
{"stats-stdtrop", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.std[2], "m"},
{"stats-prnaccelh", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.prn[3], "m/s^2"},
{"stats-prnaccelv", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.prn[4], "m/s^2"},
{"stats-prnbias", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.prn[0], "m"},
{"stats-prniono", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.prn[1], "m"},
{"stats-prntrop", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.prn[2], "m"},
{"stats-prnpos", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.prn[5], "m"},
{"stats-clkstab", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.sclkstab, "s/s"},
{"ant1-postype", 3, (void *)&antpostype_[0], POSOPT},
{"ant1-pos1", 1, (void *)&antpos_[0][0], "deg|m"},
{"ant1-pos2", 1, (void *)&antpos_[0][1], "deg|m"},
{"ant1-pos3", 1, (void *)&antpos_[0][2], "m|m"},
{"ant1-anttype", 2, (void *)prcopt_.anttype[0], ""},
{"ant1-antdele", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.antdel[0][0], "m"},
{"ant1-antdeln", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.antdel[0][1], "m"},
{"ant1-antdelu", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.antdel[0][2], "m"},
{"ant2-postype", 3, (void *)&antpostype_[1], POSOPT},
{"ant2-pos1", 1, (void *)&antpos_[1][0], "deg|m"},
{"ant2-pos2", 1, (void *)&antpos_[1][1], "deg|m"},
{"ant2-pos3", 1, (void *)&antpos_[1][2], "m|m"},
{"ant2-anttype", 2, (void *)prcopt_.anttype[1], ""},
{"ant2-antdele", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.antdel[1][0], "m"},
{"ant2-antdeln", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.antdel[1][1], "m"},
{"ant2-antdelu", 1, (void *)&prcopt_.antdel[1][2], "m"},
{"ant2-maxaveep", 0, (void *)&prcopt_.maxaveep, ""},
{"ant2-initrst", 3, (void *)&prcopt_.initrst, SWTOPT},
{"misc-timeinterp", 3, (void *)&prcopt_.intpref, SWTOPT},
{"misc-sbasatsel", 0, (void *)&prcopt_.sbassatsel, "0:all"},
{"misc-rnxopt1", 2, (void *)prcopt_.rnxopt[0], ""},
{"misc-rnxopt2", 2, (void *)prcopt_.rnxopt[1], ""},
{"misc-pppopt", 2, (void *)prcopt_.pppopt, ""},
// {"file-satantfile", 2, (void *)&filopt_.satantp, "" },
// {"file-rcvantfile", 2, (void *)&filopt_.rcvantp, "" },
// {"file-staposfile", 2, (void *)&filopt_.stapos, "" },
// {"file-geoidfile", 2, (void *)&filopt_.geoid, "" },
// {"file-ionofile", 2, (void *)&filopt_.iono, "" },
// {"file-dcbfile", 2, (void *)&filopt_.dcb, "" },
// {"file-eopfile", 2, (void *)&filopt_.eop, "" },
// {"file-blqfile", 2, (void *)&filopt_.blq, "" },
// {"file-tempdir", 2, (void *)&filopt_.tempdir, "" },
// {"file-geexefile", 2, (void *)&filopt_.geexe, "" },
// {"file-solstatfile",2, (void *)&filopt_.solstat, "" },
// {"file-tracefile", 2, (void *)&filopt_.trace, "" },
{"", 0, NULL, ""} /* terminator */
const prcopt_t prcopt_default = {
/* defaults processing options */
PMODE_KINEMA, /* positioning mode (PMODE_???) */
0, /* solution type (0:forward,1:backward,2:combined) */
1, /* number of frequencies (1:L1,2:L1+L2,3:L1+L2+L5) */
SYS_GPS | SYS_CMP | SYS_QZS, /* navigation system */
15.0 * D2R, /* elevation mask angle (rad) */
{{1, 1},
{37,37,37,35,35,35,35,35,35}}}, /* SNR mask */
0, /* satellite ephemeris/clock (EPHOPT_???) */
1, /* AR mode (0:off,1:continuous,2:instantaneous,3:fix and hold,4:ppp-ar) */
1, /* GLONASS AR mode (0:off,1:on,2:auto cal,3:ext cal) */
1, /* GPS AR mode, debug/learning only (0:off,1:on) */
1, /* BeiDou AR mode (0:off,1:on) */
1, /* AR filtering to reject bad sats (0:off,1:on) */
5, /* obs outage count to reset bias */
10, /* min lock count to fix ambiguity */
7, /* min sats to fix integer ambiguities */
7, /* min sats to hold integer ambiguities */
10, /* min sats to drop sats in AR */
10, /* min fix count to hold ambiguity */
1, /* max iteration to resolve ambiguity */
0, /* ionosphere option (IONOOPT_???) */
0, /* troposphere option (TROPOPT_???) */
1, /* dynamics model (0:none,1:velociy,2:accel) */
0, /* earth tide correction (0:off,1:solid,2:solid+otl+pole) */
1, /* number of filter iteration */
0, /* code smoothing window size (0:none) */
0, /* interpolate reference obs (for post mission) */
0, /* SBAS correction options */
0, /* SBAS satellite selection (0:all) */
0, /* rover position for fixed mode */
4, /* (0:pos in prcopt, 1:average of single pos, */
/* 2:read from file, 3:rinex header, 4:rtcm pos) */
{100.0, 100.0, 300.0}, /* base position for relative mode *//* eratio[] */
{100.0, 0.015, 0.015, 0.0, 1.0, 52.0, 0.0, 0.0}, /* err[-,base,el,bl,dop,snr_max,snr,rcverr] */
{30.0, 0.03, 0.3}, /* initial-state std [0]bias,[1]iono [2]trop */
{1E-4, 1E-3, 1E-4, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0}, /* process-noise std [0]bias,[1]iono [2]trop [3]acch [4]accv [5] pos */
5E-12, /* satellite clock stability (sec/sec) */
{3.0, 1, 0.25, 1E-9, 1E-5, 3.0, 3.0, 0.0}, /* AR validation threshold */
15.0, /* elevation mask of AR for rising satellite (deg) */
15.0, /* elevation mask to hold ambiguity (deg) */
0.05, /* slip threshold of geometry-free phase (m) */
0, /* slip threshold of doppler (m) */
0.1, /* variance for fix-and-hold psuedo measurements (cycle^2) */
0.01, /* gain used for GLO and SBAS sats to adjust ambiguity */
30.0, /* max difference of time (sec) */
30.0, /* reject threshold of innovation (m) */
30.0, /* reject threshold of gdop */
{0}, /* baseline length constraint {const,sigma} (m) */
{0}, /* rover position for fixed mode {x,y,z} (ecef) (m) */
{0}, /* base position for relative mode {x,y,z} (ecef) (m) */
{"", ""}, /* antenna types {rover,base} */
{{0}}, /* antenna delta {{rov_e,rov_n,rov_u},{ref_e,ref_n,ref_u}} */
{{0}}, /* receiver antenna parameters {rov,base} */
{0}, /* excluded satellites (1:excluded,2:included) */
0, /* max averaging epoches */
0 /* initialize by restart */
// const solopt_t solopt_default = {
// /* defaults solution output options */
// SOLF_NMEA, /* solution format (SOLF_???) */
// TIMES_UTC, /* time system (TIMES_???)*/
// 1, /* time format (0:sssss.s,1:yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.s) */
// 3, /* time digits under decimal point */
// 0, /* latitude/longitude format (0:ddd.ddd,1:ddd mm ss) */
// 1, /* output header (0:no,1:yes) */
// 1, /* output processing options (0:no,1:yes) */
// 0, /* output velocity options (0:no,1:yes) */
// 0, /* datum (0:WGS84,1:Tokyo) */
// 0, /* height (0:ellipsoidal,1:geodetic) */
// 0, /* geoid model (0:EGM96,1:JGD2000) */
// 0, /* solution of static mode (0:all,1:single) */
// 0, /* solution statistics level (0:off,1:states,2:residuals) */
// 0, /* debug trace level (0:off,1-5:debug) */
// {0.0, 0.0}, /* nmea output interval (s) (<0:no,0:all) */
// /* nmeaintv[0]:gprmc,gpgga,nmeaintv[1]:gpgsv */
// " ",/* field separator */
// "" /* program name */
// /* solution options type */
// };
//const prcopt_t prcopt_default = {
// /* defaults processing options */
// 0,
// 2,
// SYS_GPS | SYS_GLO | SYS_GAL, /* mode,soltype,nf,navsys */
// 15.0 * D2R,
// {{0, 0}}, /* elmin,snrmask */
// 0,
// 3,
// 3,
// 1,
// 0,
// 1, /* sateph,modear,glomodear,gpsmodear,bdsmodear,arfilter */
// 20,
// 0,
// 4,
// 5,
// 10,
// 20, /* maxout,minlock,minfixsats,minholdsats,mindropsats,minfix */
// 1,
// 1,
// 1,
// 1,
// 0, /* armaxiter,estion,esttrop,dynamics,tidecorr */
// 1,
// 0,
// 0,
// 0,
// 0, /* niter,codesmooth,intpref,sbascorr,sbassatsel */
// 0,
// 4, /* rovpos,refpos */
// {300.0, 300.0, 300.0}, /* eratio[] */
// {100.0, 0.003, 0.003, 0.0, 1.0, 52.0, 0.0, 0.0}, /* err[-,base,el,bl,dop,snr_max,snr,rcverr] */
// {30.0, 0.03, 0.3}, /* std[] */
// {1E-4, 1E-3, 1E-4, 1E-1, 1E-2, 0.0}, /* prn[] */
// 5E-12, /* sclkstab */
// {3.0, 0.25, 0.0, 1E-9, 1E-5, 3.0, 3.0, 0.0}, /* thresar */
// 0.0,
// 0.0,
// 0.05,
// 0, /* elmaskar,elmaskhold,thresslip,thresdop, */
// 0.1,
// 0.01,
// 30.0,
// 5.0,
// 30.0, /* varholdamb,gainholdamb,maxtdif,maxinno,maxgdop */
// {0},
// {0},
// {0}, /* baseline,ru,rb */
// {"", ""}, /* anttype */
// {{0}},
// {{0}},
// {0}, /* antdel,pcv,exsats */
// 1,
// 1 /* maxaveep,initrst */
const solopt_t solopt_default = {
/* defaults solution output options */
3, /* posf,times,timef,timeu */
0, /* degf,outhead,outopt,outvel,datum,height,geoid */
0, /* solstatic,sstat,trace */
{0.0, 0.0}, /* nmeaintv */
" ",
"" /* separator/program name */
/* discard space characters at tail ------------------------------------------*/
static void chop(char *str)
char *p;
if ((p = strchr(str, '#')))
*p = '\0'; /* comment */
for (p = str + strlen(str) - 1; p >= str && !isgraph((int)*p); p--)
*p = '\0';
/* enum to string ------------------------------------------------------------*/
static int enum2str(char *s, const char *comment, int val)
char str[32], *p, *q;
int n;
n = sprintf(str, "%d:", val);
if (!(p = strstr(comment, str)))
return sprintf(s, "%d", val);
if (!(q = strchr(p + n, ',')) && !(q = strchr(p + n, ')')))
strcpy(s, p + n);
return (int)strlen(p + n);
strncpy(s, p + n, q - p - n);
s[q - p - n] = '\0';
return (int)(q - p - n);
/* string to enum ------------------------------------------------------------*/
static int str2enum(const char *str, const char *comment, int *val)
const char *p;
char s[32];
for (p = comment;; p++)
if (!(p = strstr(p, str)))
if (*(p - 1) != ':')
for (p -= 2; '0' <= *p && *p <= '9'; p--)
return sscanf(p + 1, "%d", val) == 1;
sprintf(s, "%.30s:", str);
if ((p = strstr(comment, s)))
{ /* number */
return sscanf(p, "%d", val) == 1;
return 0;
/* search option ---------------------------------------------------------------
* search option record
* args : char *name I option name
* opt_t *opts I options table
* (terminated with table[i].name="")
* return : option record (NULL: not found)
extern opt_t *searchopt(const char *name, const opt_t *opts)
int i;
trace(4, "searchopt: name=%s\n", name);
for (i = 0; *opts[i].name; i++)
if (strstr(opts[i].name, name))
return (opt_t *)(opts + i);
return NULL;
/* string to option value ------------------------------------------------------
* convert string to option value
* args : opt_t *opt O option
* char *str I option value string
* return : status (1:ok,0:error)
extern int str2opt(opt_t *opt, const char *str)
switch (opt->format)
case 0:
*(int *)opt->var = atoi(str);
case 1:
*(double *)opt->var = atof(str);
case 2:
strcpy((char *)opt->var, str);
case 3:
return str2enum(str, opt->comment, (int *)opt->var);
return 0;
return 1;
/* option value to string ------------------------------------------------------
* convert option value to string
* args : opt_t *opt I option
* char *str O option value string
* return : length of output string
extern int opt2str(const opt_t *opt, char *str)
char *p = str;
trace(3, "opt2str : name=%s\n", opt->name);
switch (opt->format)
case 0:
p += sprintf(p, "%d", *(int *)opt->var);
case 1:
p += sprintf(p, "%.15g", *(double *)opt->var);
case 2:
p += sprintf(p, "%s", (char *)opt->var);
case 3:
p += enum2str(p, opt->comment, *(int *)opt->var);
return (int)(p - str);
/* option to string -------------------------------------------------------------
* convert option to string (keyword=value # comment)
* args : opt_t *opt I option
* char *buff O option string
* return : length of output string
extern int opt2buf(const opt_t *opt, char *buff)
char *p = buff;
int n;
trace(3, "opt2buf : name=%s\n", opt->name);
p += sprintf(p, "%-18s =", opt->name);
p += opt2str(opt, p);
if (*opt->comment)
if ((n = (int)(buff + 30 - p)) > 0)
p += sprintf(p, "%*s", n, "");
p += sprintf(p, " # (%s)", opt->comment);
return (int)(p - buff);
/* load options ----------------------------------------------------------------
* load options from file
* args : char *file I options file
* opt_t *opts IO options table
* (terminated with table[i].name="")
* return : status (1:ok,0:error)
extern int loadopts(const char *file, opt_t *opts)
FILE *fp;
opt_t *opt;
char buff[2048], *p;
int n = 0;
trace(4, "loadopts: file=%s\n", file);
if (!(fp = fopen(file, "r")))
trace(1, "loadopts: options file open error (%s)\n", file);
return 0;
while (fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), fp))
if (buff[0] == '\0')
if (!(p = strstr(buff, "=")))
fprintf(stderr, "invalid option %s (%s:%d)\n", buff, file, n);
*p++ = '\0';
if (!(opt = searchopt(buff, opts)))
if (!str2opt(opt, p))
fprintf(stderr, "invalid option value %s (%s:%d)\n", buff, file, n);
return 1;
/* save options to file --------------------------------------------------------
* save options to file
* args : char *file I options file
* char *mode I write mode ("w":overwrite,"a":append);
* char *comment I header comment (NULL: no comment)
* opt_t *opts I options table
* (terminated with table[i].name="")
* return : status (1:ok,0:error)
extern int saveopts(const char *file, const char *mode, const char *comment,
const opt_t *opts)
FILE *fp;
char buff[2048];
int i;
trace(3, "saveopts: file=%s mode=%s\n", file, mode);
if (!(fp = fopen(file, mode)))
trace(1, "saveopts: options file open error (%s)\n", file);
return 0;
if (comment)
fprintf(fp, "# %s\n\n", comment);
for (i = 0; *opts[i].name; i++)
opt2buf(opts + i, buff);
fprintf(fp, "%s\n", buff);
return 1;
/* options to system options buffer ------------------------------------------*/
static void sysopts2buff(void)
double pos[3], *rr;
char id[32], *p;
int i, j, sat, *ps;
elmask_ = prcopt_.elmin * R2D;
elmaskar_ = prcopt_.elmaskar * R2D;
elmaskhold_ = prcopt_.elmaskhold * R2D;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
ps = i == 0 ? &prcopt_.rovpos : &prcopt_.refpos;
rr = i == 0 ? prcopt_.ru : prcopt_.rb;
if (*ps == 0)
antpostype_[i] = 0;
ecef2pos(rr, pos);
antpos_[i][0] = pos[0] * R2D;
antpos_[i][1] = pos[1] * R2D;
antpos_[i][2] = pos[2];
antpostype_[i] = *ps + 1;
/* excluded satellites */
exsats_[0] = '\0';
for (sat = 1, p = exsats_; sat <= MAXSAT && p - exsats_ < (int)sizeof(exsats_) - 32; sat++)
if (prcopt_.exsats[sat - 1])
satno2id(sat, id);
p += sprintf(p, "%s%s%s", p == exsats_ ? "" : " ",
prcopt_.exsats[sat - 1] == 2 ? "+" : "", id);
/* snrmask */
for (i = 0; i < NFREQ; i++)
snrmask_[i][0] = '\0';
p = snrmask_[i];
for (j = 0; j < 9; j++)
p += sprintf(p, "%s%.0f", j > 0 ? "," : "", prcopt_.snrmask.mask[i][j]);
/* number of frequency (4:L1+L5) TODO ???? */
/*if (prcopt_.nf==3&&prcopt_.freqopt==1) {
/* system options buffer to options ------------------------------------------*/
static void buff2sysopts(void)
double pos[3], *rr;
char buff[1024], *p, *id;
int i, j, sat, *ps;
prcopt_.elmin = elmask_ * D2R;
prcopt_.elmaskar = elmaskar_ * D2R;
prcopt_.elmaskhold = elmaskhold_ * D2R;
for (i = 0; i < MAXSAT; i++)
prcopt_.exsats[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
ps = i == 0 ? &prcopt_.rovpos : &prcopt_.refpos;
rr = i == 0 ? prcopt_.ru : prcopt_.rb;
if (antpostype_[i] == 0)
{ /* lat/lon/hgt */
*ps = 0;
pos[0] = antpos_[i][0] * D2R;
pos[1] = antpos_[i][1] * D2R;
pos[2] = antpos_[i][2];
pos2ecef(pos, rr);
else if (antpostype_[i] == 1)
{ /* xyz-ecef */
*ps = 0;
rr[0] = antpos_[i][0];
rr[1] = antpos_[i][1];
rr[2] = antpos_[i][2];
*ps = antpostype_[i] - 1;
/* excluded satellites */
if (exsats_[0] != '\0')
strcpy(buff, exsats_);
for (p = strtok(buff, " "); p; p = strtok(NULL, " "))
if (*p == '+')
id = p + 1;
id = p;
if (!(sat = satid2no(id)))
prcopt_.exsats[sat - 1] = *p == '+' ? 2 : 1;
/* snrmask */
for (i = 0; i < NFREQ; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 9; j++)
prcopt_.snrmask.mask[i][j] = 0.0;
strcpy(buff, snrmask_[i]);
for (p = strtok(buff, ","), j = 0; p && j < 9; p = strtok(NULL, ","))
prcopt_.snrmask.mask[i][j++] = atof(p);
/* number of frequency (4:L1+L5) TODO ????*/
/*if (prcopt_.nf==4) {
/* reset system options to default ---------------------------------------------
* reset system options to default
* args : none
* return : none
extern void resetsysopts(void)
int i, j;
trace(3, "resetsysopts:\n");
prcopt_ = prcopt_default;
solopt_ = solopt_default;
// filopt_.satantp[0]='\0';
// filopt_.rcvantp[0]='\0';
// filopt_.stapos [0]='\0';
// filopt_.geoid [0]='\0';
// filopt_.dcb [0]='\0';
// filopt_.blq [0]='\0';
// filopt_.solstat[0]='\0';
// filopt_.trace [0]='\0';
elmask_ = 15.0;
elmaskar_ = 0.0;
elmaskhold_ = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
antpostype_[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
antpos_[i][j] = 0.0;
exsats_[0] = '\0';
antpostype_[0] = 0;
antpostype_[1] = 5;
/* opt_init ---------------------------------------------
* ¶Ô¹æÔò×ö×Ô¶¨Òå, Ï൱ÓÚÊǵ¼ÈëÎļþµÄдËÀ°æ±¾
* args : none
* return : none
static void opt_init(void)
// prcopt_.nf = 1;
/* get system options ----------------------------------------------------------
* get system options
* args : prcopt_t *popt IO processing options (NULL: no output)
* solopt_t *sopt IO solution options (NULL: no output)
* folopt_t *fopt IO file options (NULL: no output)
* return : none
* notes : to load system options, use loadopts() before calling the function
// extern void getsysopts(prcopt_t *popt, solopt_t *sopt, filopt_t *fopt)
extern void getsysopts(prcopt_t *popt, solopt_t *sopt)
trace(3, "getsysopts:\n");
/* confirm overwrite */
if (prcopt_.refpos == 4) /* 4:rtcm pos */
{ /* rtcm */
for (char i = 0; i < 3; i++)
prcopt_.rb[i] = 0.0;
if (popt)
*popt = prcopt_;
if (sopt)
*sopt = solopt_;
// if (fopt) *fopt=filopt_;
/* set system options ----------------------------------------------------------
* set system options
* args : prcopt_t *prcopt I processing options (NULL: default)
* solopt_t *solopt I solution options (NULL: default)
* filopt_t *filopt I file options (NULL: default)
* return : none
* notes : to save system options, use saveopts() after calling the function
// extern void setsysopts(const prcopt_t *prcopt, const solopt_t *solopt,
// const filopt_t *filopt)
// extern void setsysopts(const prcopt_t *prcopt, const solopt_t *solopt)
// {
// trace(3, "setsysopts:\n");
// resetsysopts();
// if (prcopt)
// prcopt_ = *prcopt;
// if (solopt)
// solopt_ = *solopt;
// // if (filopt) filopt_=*filopt;
// sysopts2buff();
// }