/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2021, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2021-01-07 ChenYong first version */ #include #include #include #include #include "ulog_file.h" #define ULOG_FILE_BE_NAME "file" #ifndef ULOG_FILE_ROOT_PATH #define ULOG_FILE_ROOT_PATH "/logs" #endif #ifndef ULOG_FILE_NAME_BASE #define ULOG_FILE_NAME_BASE "ulog.log" #endif #ifndef ULOG_FILE_MAX_NUM #define ULOG_FILE_MAX_NUM 5 #endif #ifndef ULOG_FILE_MAX_SIZE #define ULOG_FILE_MAX_SIZE (1024 * 512) #endif #define ULOG_FILE_PATH_LEN 128 #if defined(ULOG_ASYNC_OUTPUT_THREAD_STACK) && (ULOG_ASYNC_OUTPUT_THREAD_STACK < 2048) #error "The value of ULOG_ASYNC_OUTPUT_THREAD_STACK must be greater than 2048." #endif static struct ulog_backend ulog_file; static char g_file_path[ULOG_FILE_PATH_LEN] = {0}; static int g_file_fd = -1; /* rotate the log file xxx.log.n-1 => xxx.log.n, and xxx.log => xxx.log.0 */ static rt_bool_t ulog_file_rotate(void) { #define SUFFIX_LEN 10 /* mv xxx.log.n-1 => xxx.log.n, and xxx.log => xxx.log.0 */ static char old_path[ULOG_FILE_PATH_LEN], new_path[ULOG_FILE_PATH_LEN]; int index = 0, err = 0, file_fd = 0; size_t base_len = 0; rt_bool_t result = RT_FALSE; rt_memcpy(old_path, g_file_path, ULOG_FILE_PATH_LEN); rt_memcpy(new_path, g_file_path, ULOG_FILE_PATH_LEN); base_len = rt_strlen(ULOG_FILE_ROOT_PATH) + rt_strlen(ULOG_FILE_NAME_BASE) + 1; if (g_file_fd >= 0) { close(g_file_fd); } for (index = ULOG_FILE_MAX_NUM - 2; index >= 0; --index) { rt_snprintf(old_path + base_len, SUFFIX_LEN, index ? ".%d" : "", index - 1); rt_snprintf(new_path + base_len, SUFFIX_LEN, ".%d", index); /* remove the old file */ if ((file_fd = open(new_path, O_RDONLY)) >= 0) { close(file_fd); unlink(new_path); } /* change the new log file to old file name */ if ((file_fd = open(old_path , O_RDONLY)) >= 0) { close(file_fd); err = rename(old_path, new_path); } if (err < 0) { result = RT_FALSE; goto __exit; } } __exit: /* reopen the file */ g_file_fd = open(g_file_path, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_APPEND); return result; } static void ulog_file_backend_output(struct ulog_backend *backend, rt_uint32_t level, const char *tag, rt_bool_t is_raw, const char *log, size_t len) { size_t file_size = 0; /* check log file directory */ if (access(ULOG_FILE_ROOT_PATH, 0) < 0) { mkdir(ULOG_FILE_ROOT_PATH, 0); } if (g_file_fd < 0) { rt_snprintf(g_file_path, ULOG_FILE_PATH_LEN, "%s/%s", ULOG_FILE_ROOT_PATH, ULOG_FILE_NAME_BASE); g_file_fd = open(g_file_path, O_CREAT | O_RDWR); if (g_file_fd < 0) { rt_kprintf("ulog file(%s) open failed.", g_file_path); return; } } file_size = lseek(g_file_fd, 0, SEEK_END); if (file_size > ULOG_FILE_MAX_SIZE) { if (!ulog_file_rotate()) { return; } } write(g_file_fd, log, len); /* flush file cache */ fsync(g_file_fd); } /* initialize the ulog file backend */ int ulog_file_backend_init(void) { ulog_file.output = ulog_file_backend_output; ulog_backend_register(&ulog_file, ULOG_FILE_BE_NAME, RT_FALSE); return 0; } /* uninitialize the ulog file backend */ int ulog_file_backend_deinit(void) { if (g_file_fd >= 0) { close(g_file_fd); g_file_fd = -1; } ulog_backend_unregister(&ulog_file); return 0; }