@misc{niu_kf_2022, title = {{KF} Design for the loosely {GNSS}/{INS} data fusion}, url = {http://www.i2nav.com/ueditor/jsp/upload/file/20220419/1650373861305077302.pdf}, publisher = {Integrated and Intelligent Navigation Group (i2Nav), Wuhan University}, author = {Niu, Xiaoji and Chen, Qijin}, date = {2022-04}, } @article{niu_development_2014, title = {Development and evaluation of {GNSS}/{INS} data processing software for position and orientation systems}, volume = {47}, issn = {0039-6265, 1752-2706}, url = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1179/1752270614Y.0000000099}, doi = {10.1179/1752270614Y.0000000099}, pages = {87--98}, number = {341}, journaltitle = {Survey Review}, shortjournal = {Survey Review}, author = {Niu, X. and Zhang, Q. and Gong, L. and Liu, C. and Zhang, H. and Shi, C. and Wang, J. and Coleman, M.}, urldate = {2022-10-17}, date = {2014-04-21}, langid = {english}, }