This commit is contained in:
@ -24,8 +24,6 @@
#include "user_asm330lhh.h"
#include "asm330lhh_reg.h"
#include "user_iam20680.h"
#include "iam20680.h"
#include "iam20680.h"
#include "rtklib.h"
#include "stdio.h"
/* USER CODE END Includes */
@ -88,11 +86,6 @@ uint32_t time_100us=0;
nmea_t nmea={0};
extern IMU_mng IMU_mng_st;
extern IMU_mng IMU_mng_tdk;
static int16_t data_raw_acceleration[3];
static int16_t data_raw_angular_rate[3];
static int16_t data_raw_temperature;
static float acceleration_mg[3];
static float angular_rate_mdps[3];
@ -146,17 +139,25 @@ int main(void)
if(1 == SPI2_INT_RD)
SPI2_INT_RD = 0;
// application_task();
if(1 == SPI1_INT_RD)
printf("{ GPS_week: %d week_sec: %.3lf \r\n",GPS_week,GPS_sec+time_ms*0.001);
printf("x_a=%.3fm/s2 y_a=%.3fm/s2 z_a=%.3fm/s2\r\n",asm330.x_acc,asm330.y_acc,asm330.z_acc);
printf("x_g=%.3fdeg/s y_g=%.3fdeg/s z_g=%.3fdeg/s }\r\n\r\n\r\n",asm330.x_gyro,asm330.y_gyro,asm330.z_gyro);
// printf("time: %.0lfh:%.0lfm:%.0lfs:%.3fms \r\n",time_hh,time_mm,time_ss,time_ms);
printf("{ GPS_week: %d week_sec: %.3lf \r\n", GPS_week,
GPS_sec + time_ms * 0.001);
printf("x_a=%.3fm/s2 y_a=%.3fm/s2 z_a=%.3fm/s2\r\n", iam20680.x_acc,
iam20680.y_acc, iam20680.z_acc);
printf("x_g=%.3fdeg/s y_g=%.3fdeg/s z_g=%.3fdeg/s }\r\n\r\n\r\n",
iam20680.x_gyro, iam20680.y_gyro, iam20680.z_gyro);
// application_task();
// if(1 == SPI1_INT_RD)
// {
// SPI1_INT_RD=0;
// asm_sample();
// printf("{ GPS_week: %d week_sec: %.3lf \rextern tdk_value iam20680;\n",GPS_week,GPS_sec+time_ms*0.001);
// printf("x_a=%.3fm/s2 y_a=%.3fm/s2 z_a=%.3fm/s2\r\n",asm330.x_acc,asm330.y_acc,asm330.z_acc);
// printf("x_g=%.3fdeg/s y_g=%.3fdeg/s z_g=%.3fdeg/s }\r\n\r\n\r\n",asm330.x_gyro,asm330.y_gyro,asm330.z_gyro);
//// printf("time: %.0lfh:%.0lfm:%.0lfs:%.3fms \r\n",time_hh,time_mm,time_ss,time_ms);
// }
TDK/IMU_ IAM20680.c
Normal file
TDK/IMU_ IAM20680.c
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
* IMU_ IAM20680.c
* Created on: Nov 5, 2022
* Author: gcstk
#include <IMU_IAM20680.h>
#include <main.h>
#include "user_iam20680.h"
static void IAM20680_spi_write(IAM20680_t *ctx, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *data_buf, uint8_t len);
static void IAM20680_spi_read(IAM20680_t *ctx, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *data_buf, uint8_t len);
extern SPI_HandleTypeDef hspi2;
// ------------------------------------------------ PUBLIC FUNCTION DEFINITIONS
uint8_t IAM20680_init(IAM20680_t *ctx, IAM20680_cfg_t *cfg)
uint8_t retry = 3;
while (retry != 0)
if (IAM20680_OK == IAM20680_lowlevel_init(ctx, cfg))
return IAM20680_OK;
return IAM20680_INIT_ERROR;
uint8_t IAM20680_lowlevel_init(IAM20680_t *ctx, IAM20680_cfg_t *cfg)
uint8_t device_id;
ctx->read_f = IAM20680_spi_read;
ctx->write_f = IAM20680_spi_write;
/* cheak IMU in board */
device_id = IAM20680_get_device_id(ctx);
if (device_id != IAM20680_DEVICE_ID)
return IAM20680_INIT_ERROR;
/* initialize the sensor */
IAM20680_reg_write(ctx, IAM20680_REG_PWR_MGMT_1, 0x80, 0); // reset IMU
IAM20680_set_spi_mode(ctx); // set to spi mode
IAM20680_reg_write(ctx, IAM20680_REG_PWR_MGMT_1, 0x01, 0); // Auto selects the best available clock source
/* Disable Accel and Gyro all axes */
IAM20680_reg_write(ctx, IAM20680_REG_PWR_MGMT_2, 0x3F, 1);
/* Set default full scale range */
IAM20680_set_gyro_measurement_range(ctx, IAM20680_GYRO_CONFIG_FS_SEL_2000dps);
IAM20680_set_accel_measurement_range(ctx, IAM20680_ACCEL_CONFIG_FS_SEL_2g);
/* Set default bandwidth */
IAM20680_set_gyro_DLPF_CFG(ctx, IAM20680_CONFIG_DLPF_CFG_92);
IAM20680_set_accel_A_DLPF_CFG(ctx, IAM20680_ACCEL_CONFIG2_A_DLPF_CFG_99);
/* Initial sampling rate to 100Hz*/
IAM20680_reg_write(ctx, IAM20680_REG_SMPLRT_DIV, 9, 1);
/* Set interrupt */
IAM20680_reg_write(ctx, IAM20680_REG_INT_PIN_CFG, 0x10, 1); // set interrupt pin mode
IAM20680_reg_write(ctx, IAM20680_REG_INT_ENABLE, 0x01, 1); // enable interrupt
/* Enable Accel and Gyro all axes */
IAM20680_reg_write(ctx, IAM20680_REG_PWR_MGMT_2, 0x00, 1);
return IAM20680_OK;
void IAM20680_generic_write(IAM20680_t *ctx, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *data_buf, uint8_t len)
ctx->write_f(ctx, reg, data_buf, len);
void IAM20680_generic_read(IAM20680_t *ctx, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *data_buf, uint8_t len)
ctx->read_f(ctx, reg, data_buf, len);
void IAM20680_set_config(IAM20680_t *ctx, uint8_t config_data)
config_data &= 0x7F;
IAM20680_generic_write(ctx, IAM20680_REG_CONFIG, &config_data, 1);
void IAM20680_set_gyro_measurement_range(IAM20680_t *ctx, IAM20680_GYRO_CONFIG_FS_SEL_t new_value)
uint8_t value;
IAM20680_generic_read(ctx, IAM20680_REG_GYRO_CONFIG, &value, 1);
value |= new_value;
IAM20680_generic_write(ctx, IAM20680_REG_GYRO_CONFIG, &value, 1);
void IAM20680_set_accel_measurement_range(IAM20680_t *ctx, IAM20680_ACCEL_CONFIG_FS_SEL_t new_value)
uint8_t value;
IAM20680_generic_read(ctx, IAM20680_REG_ACCEL_CONFIG, &value, 1);
value |= new_value;
IAM20680_generic_write(ctx, IAM20680_REG_ACCEL_CONFIG, &value, 1);
void IAM20680_set_gyro_DLPF_CFG(IAM20680_t *ctx, IAM20680_CONFIG_DLPF_CFG_t new_value)
uint8_t value;
IAM20680_generic_read(ctx, IAM20680_REG_CONFIG, &value, 1);
value &= ~BIT_DLPF_CFG_MASK;
value |= new_value;
IAM20680_generic_write(ctx, IAM20680_REG_CONFIG, &value, 1);
void IAM20680_set_accel_A_DLPF_CFG(IAM20680_t *ctx, IAM20680_ACCEL_CONFIG2_A_DLPF_CFG_t new_value)
uint8_t value;
IAM20680_generic_read(ctx, IAM20680_REG_ACCEL_CONFIG_2, &value, 1);
value &= ~BIT_A_DLPF_CFG_MASK;
value |= new_value;
IAM20680_generic_write(ctx, IAM20680_REG_ACCEL_CONFIG_2, &value, 1);
uint8_t IAM20680_get_interrupt_status(IAM20680_t *ctx)
uint8_t temp;
IAM20680_generic_read(ctx, IAM20680_REG_INT_STATUS, &temp, 1);
return temp;
void IAM20680_set_spi_mode(IAM20680_t *ctx)
uint8_t temp;
IAM20680_generic_read(ctx, IAM20680_REG_USER_CTRL, &temp, 1);
temp |= 0x10;
IAM20680_generic_write(ctx, IAM20680_REG_USER_CTRL, &temp, 1);
temp = 0;
IAM20680_generic_read(ctx, IAM20680_REG_USER_CTRL, &temp, 1);
uint8_t IAM20680_get_device_id(IAM20680_t *ctx)
uint8_t temp;
IAM20680_generic_read(ctx, IAM20680_REG_WHO_AM_I, &temp, 1);
return temp;
int16_t IAM20680_get_axis(IAM20680_t *ctx, uint8_t addr_reg_msb, uint8_t addr_reg_lsb)
int16_t result;
uint16_t temp;
uint8_t read_buffer[2];
IAM20680_generic_read(ctx, addr_reg_msb, read_buffer, 2);
temp = read_buffer[0];
temp <<= 8;
temp |= read_buffer[1];
result = (int16_t) temp;
return result;
void IAM20680_get_accel_data(IAM20680_t *ctx, int16_t *p_accel_x, int16_t *p_accel_y, int16_t *p_accel_z)
*p_accel_x = IAM20680_get_axis(ctx, IAM20680_REG_ACCEL_XOUT_H, IAM20680_REG_ACCEL_XOUT_L);
*p_accel_y = IAM20680_get_axis(ctx, IAM20680_REG_ACCEL_YOUT_H, IAM20680_REG_ACCEL_YOUT_L);
*p_accel_z = IAM20680_get_axis(ctx, IAM20680_REG_ACCEL_ZOUT_H, IAM20680_REG_ACCEL_ZOUT_L);
void IAM20680_get_gyro_data(IAM20680_t *ctx, int16_t *p_gyro_x, int16_t *p_gyro_y, int16_t *p_gyro_z)
*p_gyro_x = IAM20680_get_axis(ctx, IAM20680_REG_GYRO_XOUT_H, IAM20680_REG_GYRO_XOUT_L);
*p_gyro_y = IAM20680_get_axis(ctx, IAM20680_REG_GYRO_YOUT_H, IAM20680_REG_GYRO_YOUT_L);
*p_gyro_z = IAM20680_get_axis(ctx, IAM20680_REG_GYRO_ZOUT_H, IAM20680_REG_GYRO_ZOUT_L);
static void IAM20680_spi_write(IAM20680_t *ctx, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *data_buf, uint8_t len)
uint8_t tx_buf[265];
uint8_t cnt;
tx_buf[0] = reg;
for (cnt = 1; cnt <= len; cnt++)
tx_buf[cnt] = data_buf[cnt - 1];
HAL_SPI_Transmit(&hspi2, tx_buf, len + 1, 0xff);
static void IAM20680_spi_read(IAM20680_t *ctx, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *data_buf, uint8_t len)
uint8_t tx_buf[1];
uint8_t rx_buf[265] = { 0 };
uint8_t cnt;
tx_buf[0] = reg | 0x80;
HAL_SPI_Transmit(&hspi2, tx_buf, 1, 1000);
HAL_SPI_Receive(&hspi2, rx_buf, len, 1000);
for (cnt = 0; cnt < len; cnt++)
data_buf[cnt] = rx_buf[cnt];
uint8_t IAM20680_reg_write(IAM20680_t *ctx, uint8_t reg, uint8_t reg_val, uint8_t cheak)
uint8_t ans = IAM20680_OK;
uint8_t RD_reg = 0;
IAM20680_generic_write(ctx, reg, ®_val, 1);
if (1 == cheak)
IAM20680_generic_read(ctx, reg, &RD_reg, 1);
if (RD_reg != reg_val)
ans = IAM20680_INIT_ERROR;
return ans;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
* IMU_IAM20680.h
* Created on: Nov 5, 2022
* Author: gcstk
#include "stm32f1xx_hal.h"
#ifndef INC_IMU_IAM20680_H_
#define INC_IMU_IAM20680_H_
#define IAM20680_MASTER_I2C 0
#define IAM20680_MASTER_SPI 1
#define IAM20680_OK 0x00
#define IAM20680_INIT_ERROR 0xFF
/* defgroup slave_address Slave Address */
#define IAM20680_I2C_SLAVE_ADDRESS_0 0x68
#define IAM20680_I2C_SLAVE_ADDRESS_1 0x69
/*defgroup spi_command Spi command */
#define IAM20680_SPI_WRITE_CMD 0x00
#define IAM20680_SPI_READ_CMD 0x80
* \defgroup Register Map
#define IAM20680_REG_SELF_TEST_X_GYRO 0x00
#define IAM20680_REG_SELF_TEST_Y_GYRO 0x01
#define IAM20680_REG_SELF_TEST_Z_GYRO 0x02
#define IAM20680_REG_SELF_TEST_X_ACCEL 0x0D
#define IAM20680_REG_SELF_TEST_Y_ACCEL 0x0E
#define IAM20680_REG_SELF_TEST_Z_ACCEL 0x0F
#define IAM20680_REG_XG_OFFS_USRH 0x13
#define IAM20680_REG_XG_OFFS_USRL 0x14
#define IAM20680_REG_YG_OFFS_USRH 0x15
#define IAM20680_REG_YG_OFFS_USRL 0x16
#define IAM20680_REG_ZG_OFFS_USRH 0x17
#define IAM20680_REG_ZG_OFFS_USRL 0x18
#define IAM20680_REG_SMPLRT_DIV 0x19
#define IAM20680_REG_CONFIG 0x1A
#define IAM20680_REG_GYRO_CONFIG 0x1B
#define IAM20680_REG_ACCEL_CONFIG 0x1C
#define IAM20680_REG_ACCEL_CONFIG_2 0x1D
#define IAM20680_REG_LP_MODE_CFG 0x1E
#define IAM20680_REG_ACCEL_WOM_THR 0x1F
#define IAM20680_REG_FIFO_EN 0x23
#define IAM20680_REG_FSYNC_INT 0x36
#define IAM20680_REG_INT_PIN_CFG 0x37
#define IAM20680_REG_INT_ENABLE 0x38
#define IAM20680_REG_INT_STATUS 0x3A
#define IAM20680_REG_ACCEL_XOUT_H 0x3B
#define IAM20680_REG_ACCEL_XOUT_L 0x3C
#define IAM20680_REG_ACCEL_YOUT_H 0x3D
#define IAM20680_REG_ACCEL_YOUT_L 0x3E
#define IAM20680_REG_ACCEL_ZOUT_H 0x3F
#define IAM20680_REG_ACCEL_ZOUT_L 0x40
#define IAM20680_REG_TEMP_OUT_H 0x41
#define IAM20680_REG_TEMP_OUT_L 0x42
#define IAM20680_REG_GYRO_XOUT_H 0x43
#define IAM20680_REG_GYRO_XOUT_L 0x44
#define IAM20680_REG_GYRO_YOUT_H 0x45
#define IAM20680_REG_GYRO_YOUT_L 0x46
#define IAM20680_REG_GYRO_ZOUT_H 0x47
#define IAM20680_REG_GYRO_ZOUT_L 0x48
#define IAM20680_REG_SIGNAL_PATH_RESET 0x68
#define IAM20680_REG_ACCEL_INTEL_CTRL 0x69
#define IAM20680_REG_USER_CTRL 0x6A
#define IAM20680_REG_PWR_MGMT_1 0x6B
#define IAM20680_REG_PWR_MGMT_2 0x6C
#define IAM20680_REG_FIFO_COUNTH 0x72
#define IAM20680_REG_FIFO_COUNTL 0x73
#define IAM20680_REG_FIFO_R_W 0x74
#define IAM20680_REG_WHO_AM_I 0x75
#define IAM20680_REG_XA_OFFSET_H 0x77
#define IAM20680_REG_XA_OFFSET_L 0x78
#define IAM20680_REG_YA_OFFSET_H 0x7A
#define IAM20680_REG_YA_OFFSET_L 0x7B
#define IAM20680_REG_ZA_OFFSET_H 0x7D
#define IAM20680_REG_ZA_OFFSET_L 0x7E
* \defgroup configuration Configuration
#define IAM20680_BM_DISABLE_FSYNC_PIN 0x00
* @brief GYRO_CONFIG Reg FS_SEL Bits enumeration
typedef enum
IAM20680_GYRO_CONFIG_FS_SEL_250dps = 0x00, /*!< gyro full scale range = +/-250dps */
IAM20680_GYRO_CONFIG_FS_SEL_500dps = 0x08, /*!< gyro full scale range = +/-500dps */
IAM20680_GYRO_CONFIG_FS_SEL_1000dps = 0x10, /*!< gyro full scale range = +/-1000dps */
IAM20680_GYRO_CONFIG_FS_SEL_2000dps = 0x18, /*!< gyro full scale range = +/-2000dps */
#define BIT_GYRO_FS_SEL_MASK 0x18
* @brief CONFIG Reg DLPF_CFG Bits enumeration
typedef enum
IAM20680_CONFIG_DLPF_CFG_250 = 0, /*!< gyro 3-dB BW(Hz) = 250, Rate(kHz) = 8 */
IAM20680_CONFIG_DLPF_CFG_176 = 1, /*!< gyro 3-dB BW(Hz) = 176, Rate(kHz) = 1 */
IAM20680_CONFIG_DLPF_CFG_92 = 2, /*!< gyro 3-dB BW(Hz) = 92, Rate(kHz) = 1 */
IAM20680_CONFIG_DLPF_CFG_41 = 3, /*!< gyro 3-dB BW(Hz) = 41, Rate(kHz) = 1 */
IAM20680_CONFIG_DLPF_CFG_20 = 4, /*!< gyro 3-dB BW(Hz) = 20, Rate(kHz) = 1 */
IAM20680_CONFIG_DLPF_CFG_10 = 5, /*!< gyro 3-dB BW(Hz) = 10, Rate(kHz) = 1 */
IAM20680_CONFIG_DLPF_CFG_5 = 6, /*!< gyro 3-dB BW(Hz) = 5, Rate(kHz) = 1 */
IAM20680_CONFIG_DLPF_CFG_3281 = 7, /*!< gyro 3-dB BW(Hz) = 3281, Rate(kHz) = 8 */
#define BIT_DLPF_CFG_MASK 0x07
* @brief ACCEL_CONFIG Reg ACCEL_FS_SEL Bits enumeration
typedef enum
IAM20680_ACCEL_CONFIG_FS_SEL_2g = 0x00, /*!< accel full scale range = +/-2g */
IAM20680_ACCEL_CONFIG_FS_SEL_4g = 0x08, /*!< accel full scale range = +/-4g */
IAM20680_ACCEL_CONFIG_FS_SEL_8g = 0x10, /*!< accel full scale range = +/-8g */
IAM20680_ACCEL_CONFIG_FS_SEL_16g = 0x18, /*!< accel full scale range = +/-16g */
#define BIT_ACCEL_FS_SEL_MASK 0x18
* @brief ACCEL_CONFIG2 Reg A_DLPF_CFG Bits enumeration
typedef enum
IAM20680_ACCEL_CONFIG2_A_DLPF_CFG_218 = 1, /*!< accel 3-dB BW(Hz) = 218.1, Rate(kHz) = 1 */
IAM20680_ACCEL_CONFIG2_A_DLPF_CFG_99 = 2, /*!< accel 3-dB BW(Hz) = 99.0, Rate(kHz) = 1 */
IAM20680_ACCEL_CONFIG2_A_DLPF_CFG_45 = 3, /*!< accel 3-dB BW(Hz) = 44.8, Rate(kHz) = 1 */
IAM20680_ACCEL_CONFIG2_A_DLPF_CFG_21 = 4, /*!< accel 3-dB BW(Hz) = 21.2, Rate(kHz) = 1 */
IAM20680_ACCEL_CONFIG2_A_DLPF_CFG_10 = 5, /*!< accel 3-dB BW(Hz) = 10.2, Rate(kHz) = 1 */
IAM20680_ACCEL_CONFIG2_A_DLPF_CFG_5 = 6, /*!< accel 3-dB BW(Hz) = 5.1, Rate(kHz) = 1 */
IAM20680_ACCEL_CONFIG2_A_DLPF_CFG_420 = 7, /*!< accel 3-dB BW(Hz) = 420.0, Rate(kHz) = 1 */
#define BIT_A_DLPF_CFG_MASK 0x07
* \defgroup bit_mask_fifo_enable Bit mask FIFO enable
#define IAM20680_BM_DISABLE_TEMP_FIFO 0x00
#define IAM20680_BM_ENABLE_TEMP_FIFO 0x80
#define IAM20680_BM_DISABLE_XGYRO_FIFO 0x00
#define IAM20680_BM_ENABLE_XGYRO_FIFO 0x40
#define IAM20680_BM_DISABLE_YGYRO_FIFO 0x00
#define IAM20680_BM_ENABLE_YGYRO_FIFO 0x20
#define IAM20680_BM_DISABLE_ZGYRO_FIFO 0x00
#define IAM20680_BM_ENABLE_ZGYRO_FIFO 0x10
#define IAM20680_BM_DISABLE_ACCEL_FIFO 0x00
#define IAM20680_BM_ENABLE_ACCEL_FIFO 0x08
/* defgroup device_id Device ID */
#define IAM20680_DEVICE_ID 0xA9
#define IAM20680HT_DEVICE_ID 0xFA
* @brief Master Input/Output type.
struct IAM20680_s;
typedef void (*IAM20680_master_io_t)(struct IAM20680_s*, uint8_t, uint8_t*, uint8_t);
* @brief Click ctx object definition.
typedef struct IAM20680_s
uint8_t slave_address;
IAM20680_master_io_t write_f;
IAM20680_master_io_t read_f;
uint8_t master_sel;
} IAM20680_t;
* @brief Click configuration structure definition.
typedef struct
uint32_t i2c_speed;
uint8_t i2c_address;
uint32_t spi_speed;
uint8_t spi_mode;
uint8_t sel;
} IAM20680_cfg_t;
// End types group
// ----------------------------------------------- PUBLIC FUNCTION DECLARATIONS
* \defgroup public_function Public function
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"{
* @brief Config Object Initialization function.
* @param cfg Click configuration structure.
* @description This function initializes click configuration structure to init state.
* @note All used pins will be set to unconnected state.
void IAM20680_cfg_setup(IAM20680_cfg_t *cfg);
* @brief Initialization function.
* @param IAM20680 Click object.
* @param cfg Click configuration structure.
* @description This function initializes all necessary pins and peripherals used for this click.
uint8_t IAM20680_lowlevel_init(IAM20680_t *ctx, IAM20680_cfg_t *cfg);
* @brief Click Default Configuration function.
* @param ctx Click object.
* @description This function executes default configuration for 6DOF IMU 9 click.
void IAM20680_default_cfg(IAM20680_t *ctx);
* @brief Generic write function.
* @param ctx Click object.
* @param reg Register address.
* @param data_buf Output data buf
* @param len Number of the bytes to be read
* @description This function writes data to the desired register.
void IAM20680_generic_write(IAM20680_t *ctx, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *data_buf, uint8_t len);
* @brief Generic read function.
* @param ctx Click object.
* @param reg Register address.
* @param data_buf Data buf to be written.
* @param len Number of the bytes in data buf.
* @description This function reads data from the desired register.
void IAM20680_generic_read(IAM20680_t *ctx, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *data_buf, uint8_t len);
* @brief Set Gyro measurement range configuration function
* @param ctx Click object.
* @param gyro_full_scale_range
* @note
* - 250 : Gyro Full Scale Select 250 dps;
* - 500 : Gyro Full Scale Select 500 dps;
* - 1000 : Gyro Full Scale Select 1000 dps;
* - 2000 : Gyro Full Scale Select 2000 dps;
* @description Function set Gyro configuration data to the targeted IAM20680_REG_GYRO_CONFIG register address of
* IAM-20680 High Performance Automotive 6-Axis MotionTracking Device on 6DOF IMU 9 Click board.
void IAM20680_set_gyro_measurement_range(IAM20680_t *ctx, IAM20680_GYRO_CONFIG_FS_SEL_t new_value);
* @brief Set Accel measurement range configuration function
* @param ctx Click object.
* @param accel_full_scale_range
* @note
* - 2 : Accel Full Scale Select 2g;
* - 4 : Accel Full Scale Select 4g;
* - 8 : Accel Full Scale Select 8g;
* - 16 : Accel Full Scale Select 16g;
* @description Function set Accel measurement range configuration data to the targeted IAM20680_REG_ACCEL_CONFIG
* register address of IAM-20680 High Performance Automotive 6-Axis MotionTracking Device on 6DOF IMU 9 Click board.
void IAM20680_set_accel_measurement_range(IAM20680_t *ctx, uint8_t accel_full_scale_range);
* @brief Get device ID function
* @param ctx Click object.
* @return
* 8-bit device ID value ( default 0xA9 );
* @description This function reads data from the desired register.
uint8_t IAM20680_get_device_id(IAM20680_t *ctx);
* @brief Get axis data function
* @param ctx Click object.
* @param addr_reg_msb least significant bit register address
* @param addr_reg_lsb most significant bit register address
* @description Function get axis data by read data from the two targeted register address
* of IAM-20680 High Performance Automotive 6-Axis MotionTracking Device on 6DOF IMU 9 Click board.
int16_t IAM20680_get_axis(IAM20680_t *ctx, uint8_t addr_reg_msb, uint8_t addr_reg_lsb);
* @brief Read Accel X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis axis function
* @param ctx Click object.
* @param p_accel_x pointer to memory location where Accel X-axis data be stored
* @param p_accel_y pointer to memory location where Accel Y-axis data be stored
* @param p_accel_z pointer to memory location where Accel Z-axis data be stored
* @description Function reads 16-bit ( signed ) Accel X-axis, Y-axis data and Z-axis data from the
* targeted starts from IAM20680_REG_ACCEL_XOUT_H to the IAM20680_REG_ACCEL_ZOUT_L register address
* of IAM-20680 High Performance Automotive 6-Axis MotionTracking Device on 6DOF IMU 9 Click board.
void IAM20680_get_accel_data(IAM20680_t *ctx, int16_t *p_accel_x, int16_t *p_accel_y, int16_t *p_accel_z);
* @brief Read Gyro X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis axis function
* @param ctx Click object.
* @param p_gyro_x pointer to memory location where Accel X-axis data be stored
* @param p_gyro_y pointer to memory location where Accel Y-axis data be stored
* @param p_gyro_z pointer to memory location where Accel Z-axis data be stored
* @description Function reads 16-bit ( signed ) Gyro X-axis, Y-axis data and Z-axis data from the
* targeted starts from IAM20680_REG_GYRO_XOUT_H to the IAM20680_REG_GYRO_ZOUT_L register address
* of IAM-20680 High Performance Automotive 6-Axis MotionTracking Device on 6DOF IMU 9 Click board.
void IAM20680_get_gyro_data(IAM20680_t *ctx, int16_t *p_gyro_x, int16_t *p_gyro_y, int16_t *p_gyro_z);
void IAM20680_set_gyro_DLPF_CFG(IAM20680_t *ctx, IAM20680_CONFIG_DLPF_CFG_t new_value);
void IAM20680_set_accel_A_DLPF_CFG(IAM20680_t *ctx, IAM20680_ACCEL_CONFIG2_A_DLPF_CFG_t new_value);
uint8_t IAM20680_reg_write(IAM20680_t *ctx, uint8_t reg, uint8_t reg_val, uint8_t cheak);
void IAM20680_set_spi_mode(IAM20680_t *ctx);
uint8_t IAM20680_init(IAM20680_t *ctx, IAM20680_cfg_t *cfg);
#endif /* INC_IMU_IAM20680_H_ */
@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
* @file iam20680.c
* @author Joseph Gillispie
* @date 22Aug2022
* @brief This is the source file for the TDK IAM-20680 acceleromter/gyrometer.
/*! @file iam20680.c
* @brief Driver for IAM-20680 sensor
#include "iam20680.h"
/**\name Internal macros */
/**\name Internal APIs */
// Ex: power modes, calibration checks, etc
* @brief This API must be called before other APIs. It verifies the chip ID of the sensor.
uint8_t iam20680_init(struct iam20680_dev *dev)
uint8_t status;
uint8_t buff;
// Reset device to defaults.
buff = 0x80;
status = iam20680_write_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_PWR_MGMT_1, &buff, 1, dev);
// Check chip ID to ensure IAM-20680 exists on board.
// I2C:0x68 or 0x69 depending upon the value driven on AD0 pin
status = iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_WHO_AM_I, &buff, 1, dev);
dev->chip_id = buff;
// Configure int pin as data ready.
buff = 0x00;
status |= iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_INT_ENABLE, &buff, 1, dev);
buff &= ~0x01;
buff |= 1 << 0; // DATA_RDY_INT_EN
status |= iam20680_write_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_INT_ENABLE, &buff, 1, dev);
// Set gyro low noise mode.
buff = 0x00;
status |= iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_LP_MODE_CFG, &buff, 1, dev);
buff &= ~0x80;
buff |= 1 << 7; // GYRO_CYCLE
status |= iam20680_write_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_LP_MODE_CFG, &buff, 1, dev);
// Set accel low noise mode.
buff = 0x00;
status |= iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_PWR_MGMT_1, &buff, 1, dev);
buff &= ~0x20;
buff |= 1 << 5; // ACCEL_CYCLE
status |= iam20680_write_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_PWR_MGMT_1, &buff, 1, dev);
// Wait 20 ms.
iam20680_delay_ms(20, dev);
// Bypass gyro DLPF.
buff = 0x00;
status |= iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_GYRO_CONFIG, &buff, 1, dev);
buff &= ~0x03;
buff |= 0 << 0; // FCHOICE
status |= iam20680_write_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_GYRO_CONFIG, &buff, 1, dev);
// Bypass accel DLPF.
buff = 0x00;
status |= iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_ACCEL_CONFIG2, &buff, 1, dev);
buff &= ~0x08;
buff |= 0 << 3; // ACCEL_FCHOICE_B
status |= iam20680_write_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_ACCEL_CONFIG2, &buff, 1, dev);
// Set DLPF_CFG.
buff = 0x00;
status |= iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_CONFIG, &buff, 1, dev);
buff &= ~0x07;
buff |= 1 << 0; // DLPF_CFG
status |= iam20680_write_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_CONFIG, &buff, 1, dev);
buff = 0x00;
status |= iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_ACCEL_CONFIG2, &buff, 1, dev);
buff &= ~0x07;
buff |= 1 << 0; // A_DLPF_CFG
status |= iam20680_write_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_ACCEL_CONFIG2, &buff, 1, dev);
// Set averaging filter.
// Gyro
buff = 0x00;
status |= iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_LP_MODE_CFG, &buff, 1, dev);
buff &= ~0x70;
buff |= 0 << 4; // G_AVGCFG
status |= iam20680_write_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_LP_MODE_CFG, &buff, 1, dev);
// Accel
buff = 0x00;
status |= iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_ACCEL_CONFIG2, &buff, 1, dev);
buff &= ~0x30;
buff |= 0 << 4; // DEC2_CFG
status |= iam20680_write_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_ACCEL_CONFIG2, &buff, 1, dev);
buff = 0x00;
status |= iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_SMPLRT_DIV, &buff, 1, dev);
buff = 0x09; // 10 ms / 100 Hz
status |= iam20680_write_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_SMPLRT_DIV, &buff, 1, dev);
// Disable accel and gyro all axes.
buff = 0x00;
status |= iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_PWR_MGMT_2, &buff, 1, dev);
buff |= 0x3F;
status |= iam20680_write_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_PWR_MGMT_2, &buff, 1, dev);
// Set full scale range.
// Gyro
buff = 0x00;
status |= iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_GYRO_CONFIG, &buff, 1, dev);
buff &= ~0x18;
buff |= 1 << 3; // FS_SEL
status |= iam20680_write_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_GYRO_CONFIG, &buff, 1, dev);
// Accel
buff = 0x00;
status |= iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_ACCEL_CONFIG, &buff, 1, dev);
buff &= ~0x18;
buff |= 0 << 3; // ACCEL_FS_SEL
status |= iam20680_write_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_ACCEL_CONFIG, &buff, 1, dev);
// Enable accel.
buff = 0x00;
status |= iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_PWR_MGMT_2, &buff, 1, dev);
buff &= ~0x38;
buff |= 0 << 3; // Enable x, y, and z.
status |= iam20680_write_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_PWR_MGMT_2, &buff, 1, dev);
iam20680_delay_ms(20, dev);
// Enable gyro.
buff = 0x00;
status |= iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_PWR_MGMT_2, &buff, 1, dev);
buff &= ~0x07;
buff |= 0 << 0; // Enable x, y, and z.
status |= iam20680_write_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_PWR_MGMT_2, &buff, 1, dev);
iam20680_delay_ms(50, dev);
// Reset and enable FIFO.
// Disable FIFO
buff = 0x00;
status |= iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_USER_CTRL, &buff, 1, dev);
buff &= ~0x40;
buff |= 0 << 6; // FIFO_EN
status |= iam20680_write_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_USER_CTRL, &buff, 1, dev);
// Reset FIFO
buff = 0x00;
status |= iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_USER_CTRL, &buff, 1, dev);
buff &= ~0x04;
buff |= 1 << 2; // FIFO_RST
status |= iam20680_write_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_USER_CTRL, &buff, 1, dev);
// Enable gyro FIFO
buff = 0x00;
status |= iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_FIFO_EN, &buff, 1, dev);
buff &= ~0x70;
buff |= 7 << 4; // Write x, y, and z to FIFO at data rate.
status |= iam20680_write_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_FIFO_EN, &buff, 1, dev);
// Enable accel FIFO
buff = 0x00;
status |= iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_FIFO_EN, &buff, 1, dev);
buff &= ~0x08;
buff |= 1 << 3; // Write x, y, and z to FIFO at data rate.
status |= iam20680_write_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_FIFO_EN, &buff, 1, dev);
// Enable FIFO
buff = 0x00;
status |= iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_USER_CTRL, &buff, 1, dev);
buff &= ~0x40;
buff |= 1 << 6; // FIFO_EN
status |= iam20680_write_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_USER_CTRL, &buff, 1, dev);
return status;
* @brief This API must be called before other APIs. It verifies the chip ID of the sensor.
uint8_t iam20680_init2(struct iam20680_dev *dev)
uint8_t status = 0x00;
uint8_t buff;
// Delay 100 ms from power-up before register read/write.
iam20680_delay_ms(100, dev);
// Disable I2C.
status |= iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_USER_CTRL, &buff, 1, dev);
buff |= 0x10; // I2C_IF_DIS
status |= iam20680_write_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_USER_CTRL, &buff, 1, dev);
// Check WHO_AM_I register.
status = iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_WHO_AM_I, &buff, 1, dev);
dev->chip_id = buff;
// Reset driver states.
status |= iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_PWR_MGMT_1, &buff, 1, dev);
buff |= 0x80; // DEVICE_RESET
status |= iam20680_write_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_PWR_MGMT_1, &buff, 1, dev);
iam20680_delay_ms(100, dev);
//buff = 0x00;
while ((buff & (0x80)) != 0x00)
iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_PWR_MGMT_1, &buff, 1, dev);
iam20680_delay_ms(1, dev);
// Disable I2C.
status |= iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_USER_CTRL, &buff, 1, dev);
buff |= 0x10; // I2C_IF_DIS
status |= iam20680_write_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_USER_CTRL, &buff, 1, dev);
// Wake up.
buff = 0x00;
status |= iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_PWR_MGMT_1, &buff, 1, dev);
buff &= ~0x40; // SLEEP
status |= iam20680_write_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_PWR_MGMT_1, &buff, 1, dev);
iam20680_delay_ms(5, dev);
// Set up CLKSEL.
buff = 0x00;
status |= iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_PWR_MGMT_1, &buff, 1, dev);
buff &= ~0x07; // Clear CLKSEL
buff |= 0x01; // Set CLKSEL
status |= iam20680_write_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_PWR_MGMT_1, &buff, 1, dev);
// Disable gyro and accel.
// Set full scale range.
// Set bandwidth.
// Set averaging filter.
// Set sampling rate.
// Disable FIFO.
// Configure FIFO.
// Enable Data Ready interrupt.
return status;
* @brief This API must be called before other APIs. It verifies the chip ID of the sensor.
uint8_t iam20680_init_simple(struct iam20680_dev *dev)
uint8_t buff;
uint8_t status = 0x00;
// Reset driver states.
status |= iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_PWR_MGMT_1, &buff, 1, dev);
buff |= 0x80; // DEVICE_RESET
status |= iam20680_write_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_PWR_MGMT_1, &buff, 1, dev);
iam20680_delay_ms(100, dev);
//buff = 0x00;
while ((buff & (0x80)) != 0x00)
iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_PWR_MGMT_1, &buff, 1, dev);
iam20680_delay_ms(1, dev);
// Let device select best clock source.
buff = 0x00;
status |= iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_PWR_MGMT_1, &buff, 1, dev);
buff &= ~0x07; // Clear CLKSEL
buff |= 0x01; // Set CLKSEL
status |= iam20680_write_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_PWR_MGMT_1, &buff, 1, dev);
// Select ODR.
buff = 0x00;
status |= iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_SMPLRT_DIV, &buff, 1, dev);
buff = 0x09; // Set ODR = 100 Hz
status |= iam20680_write_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_PWR_MGMT_1, &buff, 1, dev);
// Select FS range.
buff = 0x00;
status |= iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_ACCEL_CONFIG, &buff, 1, dev);
buff &= 0x18;
buff |= 0 << 3;
status |= iam20680_write_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_ACCEL_CONFIG, &buff, 1, dev);
buff = 0x00;
status |= iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_GYRO_CONFIG, &buff, 1, dev);
buff &= 0x18;
buff |= 0 << 3;
status |= iam20680_write_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_GYRO_CONFIG, &buff, 1, dev);
// Select filter.
buff = 0x00;
status |= iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_ACCEL_CONFIG2, &buff, 1, dev);
buff &= 0x07;
buff |= 5 << 0;
status |= iam20680_write_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_ACCEL_CONFIG2, &buff, 1, dev);
buff = 0x00;
status |= iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_CONFIG, &buff, 1, dev);
buff &= 0x07;
buff |= 5 << 0;
status |= iam20680_write_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_CONFIG, &buff, 1, dev);
return status;
* @brief This API writes the data to the given register address of the sensor.
uint8_t iam20680_write_regs(uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *reg_data, uint8_t len, struct iam20680_dev *dev)
// Write the data.
dev->status = dev->write(reg_addr, reg_data, len);
return dev->status;
* @brief This api reads the data from the given register address of the sensor.
uint8_t iam20680_read_regs(uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *reg_data, uint8_t len, struct iam20680_dev *dev)
// Check if SPI is used.
if (dev->interface == IAM20680_SPI)
reg_addr |= 0x80;
// Read the data.
dev->status = dev->read(reg_addr, reg_data, len);
return dev->status;
* @brief This api provides and blocking ms delay function.
uint8_t iam20680_delay_ms(uint32_t delay, struct iam20680_dev *dev)
dev->status = 1;
dev->status = 0;
return dev->status;
* @brief This api gets acceleromter, temperature, and gyrometer data.
uint8_t iam20680_get_data(struct iam20680_data *data, struct iam20680_dev *dev)
uint8_t buff[14] = {0}; // Accel, temp, and gyro two bytes each.
dev->status = iam20680_read_regs((uint8_t)IAM20680_ACCEL_XOUT_H, &buff[0], sizeof(buff), dev);
data->accel_x = (buff[0] << 8) | buff[1];
data->accel_y = (buff[2] << 8) | buff[3];
data->accel_z = (buff[4] << 8) | buff[5];
data->temp = (buff[6] << 8) | buff[7];
data->gyro_x = (buff[8] << 8) | buff[9];
data->gyro_y = (buff[10] << 8) | buff[11];
data->gyro_z = (buff[12] << 8) | buff[13];
return dev->status;
@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
* @file iam20680.h
* @author Joseph Gillispie
* @date 22Aug2022
* @brief This is the header file for the TDK IAM-20680 acceleromter/gyrometer.
#ifndef __IAM20680_H
#define __IAM20680_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* @brief Required includes
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
* @brief Register addresses
#define IAM20680_SELF_TEST_X_GYRO 0x00
#define IAM20680_SELF_TEST_Y_GYRO 0x01
#define IAM20680_SELF_TEST_Z_GYRO 0x02
#define IAM20680_SELF_TEST_X_ACCEL 0x0D
#define IAM20680_SELF_TEST_Y_ACCEL 0x0E
#define IAM20680_SELF_TEST_Z_ACCEL 0x0F
#define IAM20680_XG_OFFS_USRH 0x13
#define IAM20680_XG_OFFS_USRL 0x14
#define IAM20680_YG_OFFS_USRH 0x15
#define IAM20680_YG_OFFS_USRL 0x16
#define IAM20680_ZG_OFFS_USRH 0x17
#define IAM20680_ZG_OFFS_USRL 0x18
#define IAM20680_SMPLRT_DIV 0x19
#define IAM20680_CONFIG 0x1A
#define IAM20680_GYRO_CONFIG 0x1B
#define IAM20680_ACCEL_CONFIG 0x1C
#define IAM20680_ACCEL_CONFIG2 0x1D
#define IAM20680_LP_MODE_CFG 0x1E
#define IAM20680_ACCEL_WOM_THR 0x1F
#define IAM20680_FIFO_EN 0x23
#define IAM20680_FSYNC_INT 0x36
#define IAM20680_INT_PIN_CFG 0x37
#define IAM20680_INT_ENABLE 0x38
#define IAM20680_INT_STATUS 0x3A
#define IAM20680_ACCEL_XOUT_H 0x3B
#define IAM20680_ACCEL_XOUT_L 0x3C
#define IAM20680_ACCEL_YOUT_H 0x3D
#define IAM20680_ACCEL_YOUT_L 0x3E
#define IAM20680_ACCEL_ZOUT_H 0x3F
#define IAM20680_ACCEL_ZOUT_L 0x40
#define IAM20680_TEMP_OUT_H 0x41
#define IAM20680_TEMP_OUT_L 0x42
#define IAM20680_GYRO_XOUT_H 0x43
#define IAM20680_GYRO_XOUT_L 0x44
#define IAM20680_GYRO_YOUT_H 0x45
#define IAM20680_GYRO_YOUT_L 0x46
#define IAM20680_GYRO_ZOUT_H 0x47
#define IAM20680_GYRO_ZOUT_L 0x48
#define IAM20680_SIGNAL_PATH_RESET 0x68
#define IAM20680_ACCEL_INTEL_CTRL 0x69
#define IAM20680_USER_CTRL 0x6A
#define IAM20680_PWR_MGMT_1 0x6B
#define IAM20680_PWR_MGMT_2 0x6C
#define IAM20680_FIFO_COUNTH 0x72
#define IAM20680_FIFO_COUNTL 0x73
#define IAM20680_FIFO_R_W 0x74
#define IAM20680_WHO_AM_I 0x75
#define IAM20680_XA_OFFSET_H 0x77
#define IAM20680_XA_OFFSET_L 0x78
#define IAM20680_YA_OFFSET_H 0x7A
#define IAM20680_YA_OFFSET_L 0x7B
#define IAM20680_ZA_OFFSET_H 0x7D
#define IAM20680_ZA_OFFSET_L 0x7E
/**\name Status */
#define IAM20680_OK 0x00 /*< OK */
#define IAM20680_ERR 0x01 /*< ERROR */
/**\name Who Am I */
#define IAM20680_CHIP_ID 0xA9
/**\name Interface */
#define IAM20680_SPI 0x00
#define IAM20680_I2C 0x01
* @brief Type definitions
* @brief Bus communication read function pointer. This should be mapped to
* the platform-specific read function of the user application.
* @param[in] reg_addr : Register address from which data is read.
* @param[in] reg_data : Pointer to data buffer where read data is stored.
* @param[in] len : Number of bytes of data to be read.
* @retval 0 -> Success.
* @retval Non-zero -> Fail.
typedef uint8_t (*iam20680_read_fptr_typedef)(uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *reg_data, uint16_t len);
* @brief Bus communication write function pointer. Should be mapped to
* the platform-specific write function of the user application.
* @param[in] reg_addr : Register address to which data is written.
* @param[in] reg_data : Pointer to data buffer in which data to be written is stored.
* @param[in] len : Number of bytes of data to write.
* @retval 0 -> Success.
* @retval Non-zero -> Fail.
typedef uint8_t (*iam20680_write_fptr_typedef)(uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *reg_data, uint16_t len);
* @brief Timer delay function pointer. This function should be mapped to a platform-specific
* hardware timer.
* @param[in] delay : Desired delay in ms.
* @retval 0 -> Success.
* @retval Non-zero -> Fail.
typedef void (*iam20680_delay_fptr_typedef)(uint32_t delay);
* @brief IAM-20680 accelerometer and gyrometer data.
struct iam20680_data {
int16_t accel_x; /*< Acclerometer x data */
int16_t accel_y; /*< Acclerometer y data */
int16_t accel_z; /*< Acclerometer z data */
int16_t temp; /*< Temperature data */
int16_t gyro_x; /*< Gyrometer x data */
int16_t gyro_y; /*< Gyrometer y data */
int16_t gyro_z; /*< Gyrometer z data */
* @brief IAM-20680 register settings.
struct iam20680_settings {
* @brief IAM-20680 device parameters.
struct iam20680_dev {
iam20680_read_fptr_typedef read; /*< Read function pointer */
iam20680_write_fptr_typedef write; /*< Write function pointer */
iam20680_delay_fptr_typedef delay; /*< Delay function pointer */
uint8_t interface; /*< Interface type (I2C, SPI) */
struct iam20680_settings settings; /*< Sensor settings */
uint8_t status; /*< Returned status of read/write functions */
uint8_t chip_id; /*< Chip ID */
* \ingroup iam20680
* \defgroup iam20680ApiInit Initialization
* @brief Initialize the sensor and device structure
* \ingroup iam20680ApiInit
* \page iam20680_api_iam20680_init iam20680_init
* \code
* uint8_t iam20680_init(struct iam20680_dev *dev);
* \endcode
* @details This API must be called before other APIs. It verifies the chip ID of the sensor.
* @param[in, out] dev : Structure Instance of iam20680_dev
* @return Result of API execution status.
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Non-zero -> Fail
uint8_t iam20680_init(struct iam20680_dev *dev);
* \ingroup iam20680
* \defgroup iam20680ApiInit2 Initialization
* @brief Initialize the sensor and device structure
* \ingroup iam20680ApiInit2
* \page iam20680_api_iam20680_init2 iam20680_init2
* \code
* uint8_t iam20680_init2(struct iam20680_dev *dev);
* \endcode
* @details This API must be called before other APIs. It verifies the chip ID of the sensor.
* @param[in, out] dev : Structure Instance of iam20680_dev
* @return Result of API execution status.
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Non-zero -> Fail
uint8_t iam20680_init2(struct iam20680_dev *dev);
* \ingroup iam20680ApiInit2
* \page iam20680_api_iam20680_init_simple iam20680_init_simple
* \code
* uint8_t iam20680_init_simple(struct iam20680_dev *dev);
* \endcode
* @details This API must be called before other APIs. It verifies the chip ID of the sensor.
* @param[in, out] dev : Structure Instance of iam20680_dev
* @return Result of API execution status.
* @retval 0 -> Success
* @retval Non-zero -> Fail
uint8_t iam20680_init_simple(struct iam20680_dev *dev);
* \ingroup iam20680
* \defgroup iam20680ApiRegister Registers
* @brief Generic API for accessing sensor registers
* \ingroup iam20680ApiRegister
* \page iam20680_api_iam20680_write_regs iam20680_write_regs
* \code
* uint8_t iam20680_write_regs(uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *reg_data, uint8_t len, struct iam20680_dev *dev);
* \endcode
* @details This API writes the given data to the register address of the sensor
* @param[in] reg_addr : Register address to where the data is to be written.
* @param[in] reg_data : Pointer to data buffer which is to be written in the reg_addr of sensor.
* @param[in] len : Number of bytes of data to write.
* @param[in, out] : Structure instance of iam20680_dev.
* @regurn Result of API execution status.
* @retval 0 -> Success.
* @retvan Non-zero -> Fail.
uint8_t iam20680_write_regs(uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *reg_data, uint8_t len, struct iam20680_dev *dev);
* \ingroup iam20680ApiRegister
* \page iam20680_api_iam20680_read_regs iam20680_read_regs
* \code
* uint8_t iam20680_read_regs(uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *reg_data, uint8_t len, struct iam20680_dev *dev);
* \endcode
* @details This API writes the given data to the register address of the sensor
* @param[in] reg_addr : Register address from where the data is to be read.
* @param[in] reg_data : Pointer to data buffer to store the read data.
* @param[in] len : Number of bytes of data to be read.
* @param[in, out] : Structure instance of iam20680_dev.
* @regurn Result of API execution status.
* @retval 0 -> Success.
* @retvan Non-zero -> Fail.
uint8_t iam20680_read_regs(uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *reg_data, uint8_t len, struct iam20680_dev *dev);
* \ingroup iam20680ApiRegister
* \page iam20680_api_iam20680_delay iam20680_delay
* \code
* uint8_t iam20680_delay(uint32_t delay, iam20680_dev *dev);
* \endcode
* @details This API provides a blocking delay with one ms resolution
* @param[in] delay : Delay in ms.
* @param[in, out] : Structure instance of iam20680_dev.
* @regurn Result of API execution status.
* @retval 0 -> Success.
* @retvan Non-zero -> Fail.
uint8_t iam20680_delay_ms(uint32_t delay, struct iam20680_dev *dev);
* \ingroup iam20680ApiRegister
* \page iam20680_api_iam20680_get_data iam20680_delay
* \code
* uint8_t iam20680_get_data(struct iam20680_data *data, iam20680_dev *dev);
* \endcode
* @details This API gets accelerometer, temperature, and gyrometer data
* @param[in] data : Data structure to store sensor readings.
* @param[in, out] : Structure instance of iam20680_dev.
* @regurn Result of API execution status.
* @retval 0 -> Success.
* @retvan Non-zero -> Fail.
uint8_t iam20680_get_data(struct iam20680_data *data, struct iam20680_dev *dev);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __IAM20680_H */
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
#include "user_iam20680.h"
struct iam20680_dev spi2_dev;
//struct iam20680_dev spi2_dev;
IAM20680_t spi2_dev;
tdk_value iam20680;
extern SPI_HandleTypeDef hspi2;
@ -27,10 +29,31 @@ uint8_t iam_write(uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *reg_data, uint16_t len)
void user_dev_init1()
spi2_dev.interface = IAM20680_SPI;
// spi2_dev.delay=HAL_Delay;
// spi2_dev.interface = IAM20680_SPI;
// spi2_dev.read=iam_read;
// spi2_dev.write=iam_write;
// iam20680_init(&spi2_dev);
IAM20680_cfg_t cfg;
IAM20680_init(&spi2_dev, &cfg);
void tdk_sample()
IAM20680_get_accel_data(&spi2_dev, &iam20680.x_a, &iam20680.y_a, &iam20680.z_a);
IAM20680_get_gyro_data(&spi2_dev, &iam20680.x_g, &iam20680.y_g, &iam20680.z_g);
iam20680. x_gyro= iam20680.x_g/131.0;
iam20680. y_gyro= iam20680.y_g/131.0;
iam20680. z_gyro= iam20680.z_g/131.0;
iam20680.x_acc = iam20680.x_a/16384.0*9.8;
iam20680.y_acc = iam20680.y_a/16384.0*9.8;
iam20680.z_acc = iam20680.z_a/16384.0*9.8;
@ -10,11 +10,32 @@
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "rtklib.h"
#include "iam20680.h"
//#include "iam20680.h"
#include "IMU_IAM20680.h"
#include "stm32f1xx_hal.h"
void user_dev_init1();
void tdk_sample();
uint8_t iam_write(uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *reg_data, uint16_t len);
uint8_t iam_read(uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *reg_data, uint16_t len);
extern struct iam20680_dev spi2_dev;
typedef struct{
int16_t x_a; //加速度值原始数据
int16_t y_a;
int16_t z_a;
int16_t x_g; //角速度值原始数据
int16_t y_g;
int16_t z_g;
float x_acc; //转换为真实加速度
float y_acc;
float z_acc;
float x_gyro; //转换为真实角速度
float y_gyro;
float z_gyro;
extern tdk_value iam20680;
extern IAM20680_t spi2_dev;
#endif /* USER_IAM20680_H_ */
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