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* ephemeris.c : satellite ephemeris and clock functions
* Copyright (C) 2010-2020 by T.TAKASU, All rights reserved.
* references :
* [1] IS-GPS-200K, Navstar GPS Space Segment/Navigation User Interfaces,
* May 6, 2019
* [2] Global Navigation Satellite System GLONASS, Interface Control Document
* Navigational radiosignal In bands L1, L2, (Version 5.1), 2008
* [3] RTCA/DO-229C, Minimum operational performance standards for global
* positioning system/wide area augmentation system airborne equipment,
* RTCA inc, November 28, 2001
* [4] RTCM Paper, April 12, 2010, Proposed SSR Messages for SV Orbit Clock,
* Code Biases, URA
* [5] RTCM Paper 012-2009-SC104-528, January 28, 2009 (previous ver of [4])
* [6] RTCM Paper 012-2009-SC104-582, February 2, 2010 (previous ver of [4])
* [7] European GNSS (Galileo) Open Service Signal In Space Interface Control
* Document, Issue 1.3, December, 2016
* [8] Quasi-Zenith Satellite System Interface Specification Satellite
* Positioning, Navigation and Timing Service (IS-QZSS-PNT-003), Cabinet
* Office, November 5, 2018
* [9] BeiDou navigation satellite system signal in space interface control
* document open service signal B1I (version 3.0), China Satellite
* Navigation office, February, 2019
* [10] RTCM Standard 10403.3, Differential GNSS (Global Navigation
* Satellite Systems) Services - version 3, October 7, 2016
* version : $Revision:$ $Date:$
* history : 2010/07/28 1.1 moved from rtkcmn.c
* added api:
* eph2clk(),geph2clk(),seph2clk(),satantoff()
* satposs()
* changed api:
* eph2pos(),geph2pos(),satpos()
* deleted api:
* satposv(),satposiode()
* 2010/08/26 1.2 add ephemeris option EPHOPT_LEX
* 2010/09/09 1.3 fix problem when precise clock outage
* 2011/01/12 1.4 add api alm2pos()
* change api satpos(),satposs()
* enable valid unhealthy satellites and output status
* fix bug on exception by glonass ephem computation
* 2013/01/10 1.5 support beidou (compass)
* use newton's method to solve kepler eq.
* update ssr correction algorithm
* 2013/03/20 1.6 fix problem on ssr clock relativitic correction
* 2013/09/01 1.7 support negative pseudorange
* fix bug on variance in case of ura ssr = 63
* 2013/11/11 1.8 change constant MAXAGESSR 70.0 -> 90.0
* 2014/10/24 1.9 fix bug on return of var_uraeph() if ura<0||15<ura
* 2014/12/07 1.10 modify MAXDTOE for qzss,gal and bds
* test max number of iteration for Kepler
* 2015/08/26 1.11 update RTOL_ELPLER 1E-14 -> 1E-13
* set MAX_ITER_KEPLER for alm2pos()
* 2017/04/11 1.12 fix bug on max number of obs data in satposs()
* 2018/10/10 1.13 update reference [7]
* support ura value in var_uraeph() for galileo
* test eph->flag to recognize beidou geo
* add api satseleph() for ephemeris selection
* 2020/11/30 1.14 update references [1],[2],[8],[9] and [10]
* add API getseleph()
* rename API satseleph() as setseleph()
* support NavIC/IRNSS by API satpos() and satposs()
* support BDS C59-63 as GEO satellites in eph2pos()
* default selection of I/NAV for Galileo ephemeris
* no support EPHOPT_LEX by API satpos() and satposs()
* unselect Galileo ephemeris with AOD<=0 in seleph()
* fix bug on clock iteration in eph2clk(), geph2clk()
* fix bug on clock reference time in satpos_ssr()
* fix bug on wrong value with ura=15 in var_ura()
* use integer types in stdint.h
#include "rtklib.h"
/* constants and macros ------------------------------------------------------*/
#define SQR(x) ((x)*(x))
#define RE_GLO 6378136.0 /* radius of earth (m) ref [2] */
#define MU_GPS 3.9860050E14 /* gravitational constant ref [1] */
#define MU_GLO 3.9860044E14 /* gravitational constant ref [2] */
#define MU_GAL 3.986004418E14 /* earth gravitational constant ref [7] */
#define MU_CMP 3.986004418E14 /* earth gravitational constant ref [9] */
#define J2_GLO 1.0826257E-3 /* 2nd zonal harmonic of geopot ref [2] */
#define OMGE_GLO 7.292115E-5 /* earth angular velocity (rad/s) ref [2] */
#define OMGE_GAL 7.2921151467E-5 /* earth angular velocity (rad/s) ref [7] */
#define OMGE_CMP 7.292115E-5 /* earth angular velocity (rad/s) ref [9] */
#define SIN_5 -0.0871557427476582 /* sin(-5.0 deg) */
#define COS_5 0.9961946980917456 /* cos(-5.0 deg) */
#define ERREPH_GLO 5.0 /* error of glonass ephemeris (m) */
#define TSTEP 60.0 /* integration step glonass ephemeris (s) */
#define RTOL_KEPLER 1E-13 /* relative tolerance for Kepler equation */
#define DEFURASSR 0.15 /* default accurary of ssr corr (m) */
#define MAXECORSSR 10.0 /* max orbit correction of ssr (m) */
#define MAXCCORSSR (1E-6*CLIGHT) /* max clock correction of ssr (m) */
#define MAXAGESSR 90.0 /* max age of ssr orbit and clock (s) */
#define MAXAGESSR_HRCLK 10.0 /* max age of ssr high-rate clock (s) */
#define STD_BRDCCLK 30.0 /* error of broadcast clock (m) */
#define STD_GAL_NAPA 500.0 /* error of galileo ephemeris for NAPA (m) */
#define MAX_ITER_KEPLER 30 /* max number of iteration of Kelpler */
/* ephemeris selections ------------------------------------------------------*/
static int eph_sel[]={ /* GPS,GLO,GAL,QZS,BDS,IRN,SBS */
/* variance by ura ephemeris -------------------------------------------------*/
static double var_uraeph(int sys, int ura)
const double ura_value[]={
if (sys==SYS_GAL) { /* galileo sisa (ref [7] 5.1.11) */
if (ura<= 49) return SQR(ura*0.01);
if (ura<= 74) return SQR(0.5+(ura- 50)*0.02);
if (ura<= 99) return SQR(1.0+(ura- 75)*0.04);
if (ura<=125) return SQR(2.0+(ura-100)*0.16);
else { /* gps ura (ref [1] */
return ura<0||14<ura?SQR(6144.0):SQR(ura_value[ura]);
/* variance by ura ssr (ref [10] table 3.3-1 DF389) --------------------------*/
static double var_urassr(int ura)
double std;
if (ura<= 0) return SQR(DEFURASSR);
if (ura>=63) return SQR(5.4665);
return SQR(std);
/* almanac to satellite position and clock bias --------------------------------
* compute satellite position and clock bias with almanac (gps, galileo, qzss)
* args : gtime_t time I time (gpst)
* alm_t *alm I almanac
* double *rs O satellite position (ecef) {x,y,z} (m)
* double *dts O satellite clock bias (s)
* return : none
* notes : see ref [1],[7],[8]
extern void alm2pos(gtime_t time, const alm_t *alm, double *rs, double *dts)
double tk,M,E,Ek,sinE,cosE,u,r,i,O,x,y,sinO,cosO,cosi,mu;
int n;
trace(4,"alm2pos : time=%s sat=%2d\n",time_str(time,3),alm->sat);
if (alm->A<=0.0) {
for (n=0,E=M,Ek=0.0;fabs(E-Ek)>RTOL_KEPLER&&n<MAX_ITER_KEPLER;n++) {
Ek=E; E-=(E-alm->e*sin(E)-M)/(1.0-alm->e*cos(E));
trace(2,"alm2pos: kepler iteration overflow sat=%2d\n",alm->sat);
sinE=sin(E); cosE=cos(E);
x=r*cos(u); y=r*sin(u); sinO=sin(O); cosO=cos(O); cosi=cos(i);
/* broadcast ephemeris to satellite clock bias ---------------------------------
* compute satellite clock bias with broadcast ephemeris (gps, galileo, qzss)
* args : gtime_t time I time by satellite clock (gpst)
* eph_t *eph I broadcast ephemeris
* return : satellite clock bias (s) without relativeity correction
* notes : see ref [1],[7],[8]
* satellite clock does not include relativity correction and tdg
extern double eph2clk(gtime_t time, const eph_t *eph)
double t,ts;
int i;
trace(4,"eph2clk : time=%s sat=%2d\n",time_str(time,3),eph->sat);
for (i=0;i<2;i++) {
trace(4,"ephclk: t=%.12f ts=%.12f dts=%.12f f0=%.12f f1=%.9f f2=%.9f\n",t,ts,
return eph->f0+eph->f1*t+eph->f2*t*t;
/* broadcast ephemeris to satellite position and clock bias --------------------
* compute satellite position and clock bias with broadcast ephemeris (gps,
* galileo, qzss)
* args : gtime_t time I time (gpst)
* eph_t *eph I broadcast ephemeris
* double *rs O satellite position (ecef) {x,y,z} (m)
* double *dts O satellite clock bias (s)
* double *var O satellite position and clock variance (m^2)
* return : none
* notes : see ref [1],[7],[8]
* satellite clock includes relativity correction without code bias
* (tgd or bgd)
extern void eph2pos(gtime_t time, const eph_t *eph, double *rs, double *dts,
double *var)
double tk,M,E,Ek,sinE,cosE,u,r,i,O,sin2u,cos2u,x,y,sinO,cosO,cosi,mu,omge;
double xg,yg,zg,sino,coso;
int n,sys,prn;
trace(4,"eph2pos : time=%s sat=%2d\n",time_str(time,3),eph->sat);
if (eph->A<=0.0) {
switch ((sys=satsys(eph->sat,&prn))) {
case SYS_GAL: mu=MU_GAL; omge=OMGE_GAL; break;
case SYS_CMP: mu=MU_CMP; omge=OMGE_CMP; break;
default: mu=MU_GPS; omge=OMGE; break;
for (n=0,E=M,Ek=0.0;fabs(E-Ek)>RTOL_KEPLER&&n<MAX_ITER_KEPLER;n++) {
Ek=E; E-=(E-eph->e*sin(E)-M)/(1.0-eph->e*cos(E));
trace(2,"eph2pos: kepler iteration overflow sat=%2d\n",eph->sat);
sinE=sin(E); cosE=cos(E);
trace(4,"kepler: sat=%2d e=%8.5f n=%2d del=%10.3e\n",eph->sat,eph->e,n,E-Ek);
sin2u=sin(2.0*u); cos2u=cos(2.0*u);
x=r*cos(u); y=r*sin(u); cosi=cos(i);
/* beidou geo satellite */
if (sys==SYS_CMP&&(prn<=5||prn>=59)) { /* ref [9] table 4-1 */
sinO=sin(O); cosO=cos(O);
sino=sin(omge*tk); coso=cos(omge*tk);
rs[0]= xg*coso+yg*sino*COS_5+zg*sino*SIN_5;
else {
sinO=sin(O); cosO=cos(O);
/* relativity correction */
/* position and clock error variance */
trace(4,"eph2pos: sat=%d, dts=%.10f rs=%.4f %.4f %.4f var=%.3f\n",eph->sat,
/* glonass orbit differential equations --------------------------------------*/
static void deq(const double *x, double *xdot, const double *acc)
double a,b,c,r2=dot(x,x,3),r3=r2*sqrt(r2),omg2=SQR(OMGE_GLO);
if (r2<=0.0) {
/* ref [2] A.3.1.2 with bug fix for xdot[4],xdot[5] */
a=1.5*J2_GLO*MU_GLO*SQR(RE_GLO)/r2/r3; /* 3/2*J2*mu*Ae^2/r^5 */
b=5.0*x[2]*x[2]/r2; /* 5*z^2/r^2 */
c=-MU_GLO/r3-a*(1.0-b); /* -mu/r^3-a(1-b) */
xdot[0]=x[3]; xdot[1]=x[4]; xdot[2]=x[5];
/* glonass position and velocity by numerical integration --------------------*/
static void glorbit(double t, double *x, const double *acc)
double k1[6],k2[6],k3[6],k4[6],w[6];
int i;
deq(x,k1,acc); for (i=0;i<6;i++) w[i]=x[i]+k1[i]*t/2.0;
deq(w,k2,acc); for (i=0;i<6;i++) w[i]=x[i]+k2[i]*t/2.0;
deq(w,k3,acc); for (i=0;i<6;i++) w[i]=x[i]+k3[i]*t;
for (i=0;i<6;i++) x[i]+=(k1[i]+2.0*k2[i]+2.0*k3[i]+k4[i])*t/6.0;
/* glonass ephemeris to satellite clock bias -----------------------------------
* compute satellite clock bias with glonass ephemeris
* args : gtime_t time I time by satellite clock (gpst)
* geph_t *geph I glonass ephemeris
* return : satellite clock bias (s)
* notes : see ref [2]
extern double geph2clk(gtime_t time, const geph_t *geph)
double t,ts;
int i;
trace(4,"geph2clk: time=%s sat=%2d\n",time_str(time,3),geph->sat);
for (i=0;i<2;i++) {
return -geph->taun+geph->gamn*t;
/* glonass ephemeris to satellite position and clock bias ----------------------
* compute satellite position and clock bias with glonass ephemeris
* args : gtime_t time I time (gpst)
* geph_t *geph I glonass ephemeris
* double *rs O satellite position {x,y,z} (ecef) (m)
* double *dts O satellite clock bias (s)
* double *var O satellite position and clock variance (m^2)
* return : none
* notes : see ref [2]
extern void geph2pos(gtime_t time, const geph_t *geph, double *rs, double *dts,
double *var)
double t,tt,x[6];
int i;
trace(4,"geph2pos: time=%s sat=%2d\n",time_str(time,3),geph->sat);
for (i=0;i<3;i++) {
x[i ]=geph->pos[i];
for (tt=t<0.0?-TSTEP:TSTEP;fabs(t)>1E-9;t-=tt) {
if (fabs(t)<TSTEP) tt=t;
for (i=0;i<3;i++) rs[i]=x[i];
/* sbas ephemeris to satellite clock bias --------------------------------------
* compute satellite clock bias with sbas ephemeris
* args : gtime_t time I time by satellite clock (gpst)
* seph_t *seph I sbas ephemeris
* return : satellite clock bias (s)
* notes : see ref [3]
extern double seph2clk(gtime_t time, const seph_t *seph)
double t;
int i;
trace(4,"seph2clk: time=%s sat=%2d\n",time_str(time,3),seph->sat);
for (i=0;i<2;i++) {
return seph->af0+seph->af1*t;
/* sbas ephemeris to satellite position and clock bias -------------------------
* compute satellite position and clock bias with sbas ephemeris
* args : gtime_t time I time (gpst)
* seph_t *seph I sbas ephemeris
* double *rs O satellite position {x,y,z} (ecef) (m)
* double *dts O satellite clock bias (s)
* double *var O satellite position and clock variance (m^2)
* return : none
* notes : see ref [3]
extern void seph2pos(gtime_t time, const seph_t *seph, double *rs, double *dts,
double *var)
double t;
int i;
trace(4,"seph2pos: time=%s sat=%2d\n",time_str(time,3),seph->sat);
for (i=0;i<3;i++) {
/* select ephemeris --------------------------------------------------------*/
static eph_t *seleph(gtime_t time, int sat, int iode, const nav_t *nav)
double t,tmax,tmin;
int i,j=-1,sys,sel=0;
trace(4,"seleph : time=%s sat=%2d iode=%d\n",time_str(time,3),sat,iode);
switch (sys) {
case SYS_GPS: tmax=MAXDTOE+1.0 ; sel=eph_sel[0]; break;
case SYS_GAL: tmax=MAXDTOE_GAL ; sel=eph_sel[2]; break;
case SYS_QZS: tmax=MAXDTOE_QZS+1.0; sel=eph_sel[3]; break;
case SYS_CMP: tmax=MAXDTOE_CMP+1.0; sel=eph_sel[4]; break;
case SYS_IRN: tmax=MAXDTOE_IRN+1.0; sel=eph_sel[5]; break;
default: tmax=MAXDTOE+1.0; break;
for (i=0;i<nav->n;i++) {
if (nav->eph[i].sat!=sat) continue;
if (iode>=0&&nav->eph[i].iode!=iode) continue;
if (sys==SYS_GAL) {
/* this code is from 2.4.3 b34 but does not seem to be fully supported,
so for now I have dropped back to the b33 code */
/* if (sel==0&&!(nav->eph[i].code&(1<<9))) continue; */ /* I/NAV */
/*if (sel==1&&!(nav->eph[i].code&(1<<8))) continue; */ /* F/NAV */
if (sel==1&&!(nav->eph[i].code&(1<<9))) continue; /* I/NAV */
if (sel==2&&!(nav->eph[i].code&(1<<8))) continue; /* F/NAV */
if (timediff(nav->eph[i].toe,time)>=0.0) continue; /* AOD<=0 */
if ((t=fabs(timediff(nav->eph[i].toe,time)))>tmax) continue;
if (iode>=0) return nav->eph+i;
if (t<=tmin) {j=i; tmin=t;} /* toe closest to time */
if (iode>=0||j<0) {
trace(2,"no broadcast ephemeris: %s sat=%2d iode=%3d\n",time_str(time,0),
return NULL;
return nav->eph+j;
/* select glonass ephememeris ------------------------------------------------*/
static geph_t *selgeph(gtime_t time, int sat, int iode, const nav_t *nav)
double t,tmax=MAXDTOE_GLO,tmin=tmax+1.0;
int i,j=-1;
trace(4,"selgeph : time=%s sat=%2d iode=%2d\n",time_str(time,3),sat,iode);
for (i=0;i<nav->ng;i++) {
if (nav->geph[i].sat!=sat) continue;
if (iode>=0&&nav->geph[i].iode!=iode) continue;
if ((t=fabs(timediff(nav->geph[i].toe,time)))>tmax) continue;
if (iode>=0) return nav->geph+i;
if (t<=tmin) {j=i; tmin=t;} /* toe closest to time */
if (iode>=0||j<0) {
trace(3,"no glonass ephemeris : %s sat=%2d iode=%2d\n",time_str(time,0),
return NULL;
return nav->geph+j;
/* select sbas ephememeris ---------------------------------------------------*/
static seph_t *selseph(gtime_t time, int sat, const nav_t *nav)
double t,tmax=MAXDTOE_SBS,tmin=tmax+1.0;
int i,j=-1;
trace(4,"selseph : time=%s sat=%2d\n",time_str(time,3),sat);
for (i=0;i<nav->ns;i++) {
if (nav->seph[i].sat!=sat) continue;
if ((t=fabs(timediff(nav->seph[i].t0,time)))>tmax) continue;
if (t<=tmin) {j=i; tmin=t;} /* toe closest to time */
if (j<0) {
trace(3,"no sbas ephemeris : %s sat=%2d\n",time_str(time,0),sat);
return NULL;
return nav->seph+j;
/* satellite clock with broadcast ephemeris ----------------------------------*/
static int ephclk(gtime_t time, gtime_t teph, int sat, const nav_t *nav,
double *dts)
eph_t *eph;
geph_t *geph;
seph_t *seph;
int sys;
trace(4,"ephclk : time=%s sat=%2d\n",time_str(time,3),sat);
if (sys==SYS_GPS||sys==SYS_GAL||sys==SYS_QZS||sys==SYS_CMP||sys==SYS_IRN) {
if (!(eph=seleph(teph,sat,-1,nav))) return 0;
else if (sys==SYS_GLO) {
if (!(geph=selgeph(teph,sat,-1,nav))) return 0;
else if (sys==SYS_SBS) {
if (!(seph=selseph(teph,sat,nav))) return 0;
else return 0;
return 1;
/* satellite position and clock by broadcast ephemeris -----------------------*/
static int ephpos(gtime_t time, gtime_t teph, int sat, const nav_t *nav,
int iode, double *rs, double *dts, double *var, int *svh)
eph_t *eph;
geph_t *geph;
seph_t *seph;
double rst[3],dtst[1],tt=1E-3;
int i,sys;
trace(4,"ephpos : time=%s sat=%2d iode=%d\n",time_str(time,3),sat,iode);
if (sys==SYS_GPS||sys==SYS_GAL||sys==SYS_QZS||sys==SYS_CMP||sys==SYS_IRN) {
if (!(eph=seleph(teph,sat,iode,nav))) return 0;
else if (sys==SYS_GLO) {
if (!(geph=selgeph(teph,sat,iode,nav))) return 0;
else if (sys==SYS_SBS) {
if (!(seph=selseph(teph,sat,nav))) return 0;
else return 0;
/* satellite velocity and clock drift by differential approx */
for (i=0;i<3;i++) rs[i+3]=(rst[i]-rs[i])/tt;
return 1;
/* satellite position and clock with sbas correction -------------------------*/
static int satpos_sbas(gtime_t time, gtime_t teph, int sat, const nav_t *nav,
double *rs, double *dts, double *var, int *svh)
const sbssatp_t *sbs=NULL;
int i;
trace(4,"satpos_sbas: time=%s sat=%2d\n",time_str(time,3),sat);
/* search sbas satellite correciton */
for (i=0;i<nav->sbssat.nsat;i++) {
if (sbs->sat==sat) break;
if (i>=nav->sbssat.nsat) {
trace(2,"no sbas, use brdcast: %s sat=%2d\n",time_str(time,0),sat);
/* *svh=-1; */ /* use broadcast if no sbas */
return 1;
/* satellite postion and clock by broadcast ephemeris */
if (!ephpos(time,teph,sat,nav,sbs->lcorr.iode,rs,dts,var,svh)) return 0;
/* sbas satellite correction (long term and fast) */
if (sbssatcorr(time,sat,nav,rs,dts,var)) return 1;
return 0;
/* satellite position and clock with ssr correction --------------------------*/
static int satpos_ssr(gtime_t time, gtime_t teph, int sat, const nav_t *nav,
int opt, double *rs, double *dts, double *var, int *svh)
const ssr_t *ssr;
eph_t *eph;
double t1,t2,t3,er[3],ea[3],ec[3],rc[3],deph[3],dclk,dant[3]={0},tk;
int i,sys;
trace(4,"satpos_ssr: time=%s sat=%2d\n",time_str(time,3),sat);
if (!ssr->t0[0].time) {
trace(2,"no ssr orbit correction: %s sat=%2d\n",time_str(time,0),sat);
return 0;
if (!ssr->t0[1].time) {
trace(2,"no ssr clock correction: %s sat=%2d\n",time_str(time,0),sat);
return 0;
/* inconsistency between orbit and clock correction */
if (ssr->iod[0]!=ssr->iod[1]) {
trace(2,"inconsist ssr correction: %s sat=%2d iod=%d %d\n",
return 0;
/* ssr orbit and clock correction (ref [4]) */
if (fabs(t1)>MAXAGESSR||fabs(t2)>MAXAGESSR) {
trace(2,"age of ssr error: %s sat=%2d t=%.0f %.0f\n",time_str(time,0),
return 0;
if (ssr->udi[0]>=1.0) t1-=ssr->udi[0]/2.0;
if (ssr->udi[1]>=1.0) t2-=ssr->udi[1]/2.0;
for (i=0;i<3;i++) deph[i]=ssr->deph[i]+ssr->ddeph[i]*t1;
/* ssr highrate clock correction (ref [4]) */
if (ssr->iod[0]==ssr->iod[2]&&ssr->t0[2].time&&fabs(t3)<MAXAGESSR_HRCLK) {
if (norm(deph,3)>MAXECORSSR||fabs(dclk)>MAXCCORSSR) {
trace(3,"invalid ssr correction: %s deph=%.1f dclk=%.1f\n",
return 0;
/* satellite postion and clock by broadcast ephemeris */
if (!ephpos(time,teph,sat,nav,ssr->iode,rs,dts,var,svh)) return 0;
/* satellite clock for gps, galileo and qzss */
if (sys==SYS_GPS||sys==SYS_GAL||sys==SYS_QZS||sys==SYS_CMP) {
if (!(eph=seleph(teph,sat,ssr->iode,nav))) return 0;
/* satellite clock by clock parameters */
/* relativity correction */
/* radial-along-cross directions in ecef */
if (!normv3(rs+3,ea)) return 0;
if (!normv3(rc,ec)) {
return 0;
/* satellite antenna offset correction */
if (opt) {
for (i=0;i<3;i++) {
/* t_corr = t_sv - (dts(brdc) + dclk(ssr) / CLIGHT) (ref [10] eq.3.12-7) */
/* variance by ssr ura */
trace(5,"satpos_ssr: %s sat=%2d deph=%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f er=%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f dclk=%6.3f var=%6.3f\n",
return 1;
/* satellite position and clock ------------------------------------------------
* compute satellite position, velocity and clock
* args : gtime_t time I time (gpst)
* gtime_t teph I time to select ephemeris (gpst)
* int sat I satellite number
* nav_t *nav I navigation data
* int ephopt I ephemeris option (EPHOPT_???)
* double *rs O sat position and velocity (ecef)
* {x,y,z,vx,vy,vz} (m|m/s)
* double *dts O sat clock {bias,drift} (s|s/s)
* double *var O sat position and clock error variance (m^2)
* int *svh O sat health flag (-1:correction not available)
* return : status (1:ok,0:error)
* notes : satellite position is referenced to antenna phase center
* satellite clock does not include code bias correction (tgd or bgd)
extern int satpos(gtime_t time, gtime_t teph, int sat, int ephopt,
const nav_t *nav, double *rs, double *dts, double *var,
int *svh)
trace(4,"satpos : time=%s sat=%2d ephopt=%d\n",time_str(time,3),sat,ephopt);
switch (ephopt) {
case EPHOPT_BRDC : return ephpos (time,teph,sat,nav,-1,rs,dts,var,svh);
case EPHOPT_SBAS : return satpos_sbas(time,teph,sat,nav, rs,dts,var,svh);
case EPHOPT_SSRAPC: return satpos_ssr (time,teph,sat,nav, 0,rs,dts,var,svh);
case EPHOPT_SSRCOM: return satpos_ssr (time,teph,sat,nav, 1,rs,dts,var,svh);
if (!peph2pos(time,sat,nav,1,rs,dts,var)) break; else return 1;
return 0;
/* satellite positions and clocks ----------------------------------------------
* compute satellite positions, velocities and clocks
* args : gtime_t teph I time to select ephemeris (gpst)
* obsd_t *obs I observation data
* int n I number of observation data
* nav_t *nav I navigation data
* int ephopt I ephemeris option (EPHOPT_???)
* double *rs O satellite positions and velocities (ecef)
* double *dts O satellite clocks
* double *var O sat position and clock error variances (m^2)
* int *svh O sat health flag (-1:correction not available)
* return : none
* notes : rs [(0:2)+i*6]= obs[i] sat position {x,y,z} (m)
* rs [(3:5)+i*6]= obs[i] sat velocity {vx,vy,vz} (m/s)
* dts[(0:1)+i*2]= obs[i] sat clock {bias,drift} (s|s/s)
* var[i] = obs[i] sat position and clock error variance (m^2)
* svh[i] = obs[i] sat health flag
* if no navigation data, set 0 to rs[], dts[], var[] and svh[]
* satellite position and clock are values at signal transmission time
* satellite position is referenced to antenna phase center
* satellite clock does not include code bias correction (tgd or bgd)
* any pseudorange and broadcast ephemeris are always needed to get
* signal transmission time
extern void satposs(gtime_t teph, const obsd_t *obs, int n, const nav_t *nav,
int ephopt, double *rs, double *dts, double *var, int *svh)
gtime_t time[2*MAXOBS]={{0}};
double dt,pr;
int i,j;
trace(3,"satposs : teph=%s n=%d ephopt=%d\n",time_str(teph,3),n,ephopt);
for (i=0;i<n&&i<2*MAXOBS;i++) {
for (j=0;j<6;j++) rs [j+i*6]=0.0;
for (j=0;j<2;j++) dts[j+i*2]=0.0;
var[i]=0.0; svh[i]=0;
/* search any pseudorange */
for (j=0,pr=0.0;j<NFREQ;j++) if ((pr=obs[i].P[j])!=0.0) break;
if (j>=NFREQ) {
trace(2,"no pseudorange %s sat=%2d\n",time_str(obs[i].time,3),obs[i].sat);
/* transmission time by satellite clock */
/* satellite clock bias by broadcast ephemeris */
if (!ephclk(time[i],teph,obs[i].sat,nav,&dt)) {
trace(3,"no broadcast clock %s sat=%2d\n",time_str(time[i],3),obs[i].sat);
/* satellite position and clock at transmission time */
if (!satpos(time[i],teph,obs[i].sat,ephopt,nav,rs+i*6,dts+i*2,var+i,
svh+i)) {
trace(3,"no ephemeris %s sat=%2d\n",time_str(time[i],3),obs[i].sat);
/* if no precise clock available, use broadcast clock instead */
if (dts[i*2]==0.0) {
if (!ephclk(time[i],teph,obs[i].sat,nav,dts+i*2)) continue;
trace(4,"satposs: %d,time=%.9f dt=%.9f pr=%.3f rs=%13.3f %13.3f %13.3f dts=%12.3f var=%7.3f\n",
for (i=0;i<n&&i<2*MAXOBS;i++) {
trace(4,"%s sat=%2d rs=%13.3f %13.3f %13.3f dts=%12.3f var=%7.3f svh=%02X\n",
/* set selected satellite ephemeris --------------------------------------------
* Set selected satellite ephemeris for multiple ones like LNAV - CNAV, I/NAV -
* F/NAV. Call it before calling satpos(),satposs() to use unselected one.
* args : int sys I satellite system (SYS_???)
* int sel I selection of ephemeris
* GPS,QZS : 0:LNAV ,1:CNAV (default: LNAV)
* b33 and demo5 b34: GAL: 0:any,1:I/NAV,2:F/NAV
* 2.4.3 b34 but not functional? GAL : 0:I/NAV,1:F/NAV (default: I/NAV)
* others : undefined
* return : none
extern void setseleph(int sys, int sel)
switch (sys) {
case SYS_GPS: eph_sel[0]=sel; break;
case SYS_GLO: eph_sel[1]=sel; break;
case SYS_GAL: eph_sel[2]=sel; break;
case SYS_QZS: eph_sel[3]=sel; break;
case SYS_CMP: eph_sel[4]=sel; break;
case SYS_IRN: eph_sel[5]=sel; break;
case SYS_SBS: eph_sel[6]=sel; break;
/* get selected satellite ephemeris -------------------------------------------
* Get the selected satellite ephemeris.
* args : int sys I satellite system (SYS_???)
* return : selected ephemeris
* refer setseleph()
extern int getseleph(int sys)
switch (sys) {
case SYS_GPS: return eph_sel[0];
case SYS_GLO: return eph_sel[1];
case SYS_GAL: return eph_sel[2];
case SYS_QZS: return eph_sel[3];
case SYS_CMP: return eph_sel[4];
case SYS_IRN: return eph_sel[5];
case SYS_SBS: return eph_sel[6];
return 0;