/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * nvs.c : NVS receiver dependent functions * * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 by M.BAVARO and T.TAKASU, All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2014-2020 by T.TAKASU, All rights reserved. * * [1] Description of BINR messages which is used by RC program for RINEX * files accumulation, NVS * [2] NAVIS Navis Standard Interface Protocol BINR, NVS * * version : $Revision:$ $Date:$ * history : 2012/01/30 1.0 first version by M.BAVARO * 2012/11/08 1.1 modified by T.TAKASU * 2013/02/23 1.2 fix memory access violation problem on arm * 2013/04/24 1.3 fix bug on cycle-slip detection * add range check of gps ephemeris week * 2013/09/01 1.4 add check error of week, time jump, obs data range * 2014/08/26 1.5 fix bug on iode in glonass ephemeris * 2016/01/26 1.6 fix bug on unrecognized meas data (#130) * 2017/04/11 1.7 (char *) -> (signed char *) * 2020/07/10 1.8 suppress warnings * 2020/11/30 1.9 use integer type in stdint.h *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "rtklib.h" #define NVSSYNC 0x10 /* nvs message sync code 1 */ #define NVSENDMSG 0x03 /* nvs message sync code 1 */ #define NVSCFG 0x06 /* nvs message cfg-??? */ #define ID_XF5RAW 0xf5 /* nvs msg id: raw measurement data */ #define ID_X4AIONO 0x4a /* nvs msg id: gps ionospheric data */ #define ID_X4BTIME 0x4b /* nvs msg id: GPS/GLONASS/UTC timescale data */ #define ID_XF7EPH 0xf7 /* nvs msg id: subframe buffer */ #define ID_XE5BIT 0xe5 /* nvs msg id: bit information */ #define ID_XD7ADVANCED 0xd7 /* */ #define ID_X02RATEPVT 0x02 /* */ #define ID_XF4RATERAW 0xf4 /* */ #define ID_XD7SMOOTH 0xd7 /* */ #define ID_XD5BIT 0xd5 /* */ /* get fields (little-endian) ------------------------------------------------*/ #define U1(p) (*((uint8_t *)(p))) #define I1(p) (*((int8_t *)(p))) static uint16_t U2(uint8_t *p) {uint16_t u; memcpy(&u,p,2); return u;} static uint32_t U4(uint8_t *p) {uint32_t u; memcpy(&u,p,4); return u;} static int16_t I2(uint8_t *p) {int16_t i; memcpy(&i,p,2); return i;} static int32_t I4(uint8_t *p) {int32_t i; memcpy(&i,p,4); return i;} static float R4(uint8_t *p) {float r; memcpy(&r,p,4); return r;} static double R8(uint8_t *p) {double r; memcpy(&r,p,8); return r;} /* ura values (ref [3] -----------------------------------------*/ static const double ura_eph[]={ 2.4,3.4,4.85,6.85,9.65,13.65,24.0,48.0,96.0,192.0,384.0,768.0,1536.0, 3072.0,6144.0,0.0 }; /* ura value (m) to ura index ------------------------------------------------*/ static int uraindex(double value) { int i; for (i=0;i<15;i++) if (ura_eph[i]>=value) break; return i; } /* decode NVS xf5-raw: raw measurement data ----------------------------------*/ static int decode_xf5raw(raw_t *raw) { gtime_t time; double tadj=0.0,toff=0.0,tn; int dTowInt; double dTowUTC, dTowGPS, dTowFrac, L1, P1, D1; double gpsutcTimescale; uint8_t rcvTimeScaleCorr, sys, carrNo; int i,j,prn,sat,n=0,nsat,week; uint8_t *p=raw->buff+2; char *q,tstr[32],flag; trace(4,"decode_xf5raw: len=%d\n",raw->len); /* time tag adjustment option (-TADJ) */ if ((q=strstr(raw->opt,"-tadj"))) { sscanf(q,"-TADJ=%lf",&tadj); } dTowUTC =R8(p); week = U2(p+8); gpsutcTimescale = R8(p+10); /* glonassutcTimescale = R8(p+18); */ rcvTimeScaleCorr = I1(p+26); /* check gps week range */ if (week>=4096) { trace(2,"nvs xf5raw obs week error: week=%d\n",week); return -1; } week=adjgpsweek(week); if ((raw->len - 31)%30) { /* Message length is not correct: there could be an error in the stream */ trace(2,"nvs xf5raw len=%d seems not be correct\n",raw->len); return -1; } nsat = (raw->len - 31)/30; dTowGPS = dTowUTC + gpsutcTimescale; /* Tweak pseudoranges to allow Rinex to represent the NVS time of measure */ dTowInt = 10.0*floor((dTowGPS/10.0)+0.5); dTowFrac = dTowGPS - (double) dTowInt; time=gpst2time(week, dTowInt*0.001); /* time tag adjustment */ if (tadj>0.0) { tn=time2gpst(time,&week)/tadj; toff=(tn-floor(tn+0.5))*tadj; time=timeadd(time,-toff); } /* check time tag jump and output warning */ if (raw->time.time&&fabs(timediff(time,raw->time))>86400.0) { time2str(time,tstr,3); trace(2,"nvs xf5raw time tag jump warning: time=%s\n",tstr); } if (fabs(timediff(time,raw->time))<=1e-3) { time2str(time,tstr,3); trace(2,"nvs xf5raw time tag duplicated: time=%s\n",tstr); return 0; } for (i=0,p+=27;(iobs.data[n].time = time; sys = (U1(p)==1)?SYS_GLO:((U1(p)==2)?SYS_GPS:((U1(p)==4)?SYS_SBS:SYS_NONE)); prn = U1(p+1); if (sys == SYS_SBS) prn += 120; /* Correct this */ if (!(sat=satno(sys,prn))) { trace(2,"nvs xf5raw satellite number error: sys=%d prn=%d\n",sys,prn); continue; } carrNo = I1(p+2); L1 = R8(p+ 4); P1 = R8(p+12); D1 = R8(p+20); /* check range error */ if (L1<-1E10||L1>1E10||P1<-1E10||P1>1E10||D1<-1E5||D1>1E5) { trace(2,"nvs xf5raw obs range error: sat=%2d L1=%12.5e P1=%12.5e D1=%12.5e\n", sat,L1,P1,D1); continue; } raw->obs.data[n].SNR[0]=(uint16_t)(I1(p+3)/SNR_UNIT+0.5); if (sys==SYS_GLO) { raw->obs.data[n].L[0] = L1 - toff*(FREQ1_GLO+DFRQ1_GLO*carrNo); } else { raw->obs.data[n].L[0] = L1 - toff*FREQL1; } raw->obs.data[n].P[0] = (P1-dTowFrac)*CLIGHT*0.001 - toff*CLIGHT; /* in ms, needs to be converted */ raw->obs.data[n].D[0] = (float)D1; /* set LLI if meas flag 4 (carrier phase present) off -> on */ flag=U1(p+28); raw->obs.data[n].LLI[0]=(flag&0x08)&&!(raw->halfc[sat-1][0]&0x08)?1:0; raw->halfc[sat-1][0]=flag; raw->obs.data[n].code[0] = CODE_L1C; raw->obs.data[n].sat = sat; for (j=1;jobs.data[n].L[j]=raw->obs.data[n].P[j]=0.0; raw->obs.data[n].D[j]=0.0; raw->obs.data[n].SNR[j]=raw->obs.data[n].LLI[j]=0; raw->obs.data[n].code[j]=CODE_NONE; } n++; } raw->time=time; raw->obs.n=n; return 1; } /* decode ephemeris ----------------------------------------------------------*/ static int decode_gpsephem(int sat, raw_t *raw) { eph_t eph={0}; uint8_t *puiTmp = (raw->buff)+2; uint16_t week; double toc; trace(4,"decode_ephem: sat=%2d\n",sat); eph.crs = R4(&puiTmp[ 2]); eph.deln = R4(&puiTmp[ 6]) * 1e+3; eph.M0 = R8(&puiTmp[ 10]); eph.cuc = R4(&puiTmp[ 18]); eph.e = R8(&puiTmp[ 22]); eph.cus = R4(&puiTmp[ 30]); eph.A = pow(R8(&puiTmp[ 34]), 2); eph.toes = R8(&puiTmp[ 42]) * 1e-3; eph.cic = R4(&puiTmp[ 50]); eph.OMG0 = R8(&puiTmp[ 54]); eph.cis = R4(&puiTmp[ 62]); eph.i0 = R8(&puiTmp[ 66]); eph.crc = R4(&puiTmp[ 74]); eph.omg = R8(&puiTmp[ 78]); eph.OMGd = R8(&puiTmp[ 86]) * 1e+3; eph.idot = R8(&puiTmp[ 94]) * 1e+3; eph.tgd[0] = R4(&puiTmp[102]) * 1e-3; toc = R8(&puiTmp[106]) * 1e-3; eph.f2 = R4(&puiTmp[114]) * 1e+3; eph.f1 = R4(&puiTmp[118]); eph.f0 = R4(&puiTmp[122]) * 1e-3; eph.sva = uraindex(I2(&puiTmp[126])); eph.iode = I2(&puiTmp[128]); eph.iodc = I2(&puiTmp[130]); eph.code = I2(&puiTmp[132]); eph.flag = I2(&puiTmp[134]); week = I2(&puiTmp[136]); eph.fit = 0; if (week>=4096) { trace(2,"nvs gps ephemeris week error: sat=%2d week=%d\n",sat,week); return -1; } eph.week=adjgpsweek(week); eph.toe=gpst2time(eph.week,eph.toes); eph.toc=gpst2time(eph.week,toc); eph.ttr=raw->time; if (!strstr(raw->opt,"-EPHALL")) { if (eph.iode==raw->nav.eph[sat-1].iode) return 0; /* unchanged */ } eph.sat=sat; raw->nav.eph[sat-1]=eph; raw->ephsat=sat; raw->ephset=0; return 2; } /* adjust daily rollover of time ---------------------------------------------*/ static gtime_t adjday(gtime_t time, double tod) { double ep[6],tod_p; time2epoch(time,ep); tod_p=ep[3]*3600.0+ep[4]*60.0+ep[5]; if (todtod_p+43200.0) tod-=86400.0; ep[3]=ep[4]=ep[5]=0.0; return timeadd(epoch2time(ep),tod); } /* decode gloephem -----------------------------------------------------------*/ static int decode_gloephem(int sat, raw_t *raw) { geph_t geph={0}; uint8_t *p=(raw->buff)+2; int prn,tk,tb; if (raw->len>=93) { prn =I1(p+ 1); geph.frq =I1(p+ 2); geph.pos[0]=R8(p+ 3); geph.pos[1]=R8(p+11); geph.pos[2]=R8(p+19); geph.vel[0]=R8(p+27) * 1e+3; geph.vel[1]=R8(p+35) * 1e+3; geph.vel[2]=R8(p+43) * 1e+3; geph.acc[0]=R8(p+51) * 1e+6; geph.acc[1]=R8(p+59) * 1e+6; geph.acc[2]=R8(p+67) * 1e+6; tb = R8(p+75) * 1e-3; tk = tb; geph.gamn =R4(p+83); geph.taun =R4(p+87) * 1e-3; geph.age =I2(p+91); } else { trace(2,"nvs NE length error: len=%d\n",raw->len); return -1; } if (!(geph.sat=satno(SYS_GLO,prn))) { trace(2,"nvs NE satellite error: prn=%d\n",prn); return -1; } if (raw->time.time==0) return 0; geph.iode=(tb/900)&0x7F; geph.toe=utc2gpst(adjday(raw->time,tb-10800.0)); geph.tof=utc2gpst(adjday(raw->time,tk-10800.0)); #if 0 /* check illegal ephemeris by toe */ tt=timediff(raw->time,geph.toe); if (fabs(tt)>3600.0) { trace(3,"nvs NE illegal toe: prn=%2d tt=%6.0f\n",prn,tt); return 0; } #endif #if 0 /* check illegal ephemeris by frequency number consistency */ if (raw->nav.geph[prn-MINPRNGLO].toe.time&& geph.frq!=raw->nav.geph[prn-MINPRNGLO].frq) { trace(2,"nvs NE illegal freq change: prn=%2d frq=%2d->%2d\n",prn, raw->nav.geph[prn-MINPRNGLO].frq,geph.frq); return -1; } if (!strstr(raw->opt,"-EPHALL")) { if (fabs(timediff(geph.toe,raw->nav.geph[prn-MINPRNGLO].toe))<1.0&& geph.svh==raw->nav.geph[prn-MINPRNGLO].svh) return 0; } #endif raw->nav.geph[prn-1]=geph; raw->ephsat=geph.sat; raw->ephset=0; return 2; } /* decode NVS ephemerides in clear -------------------------------------------*/ static int decode_xf7eph(raw_t *raw) { int prn,sat,sys; uint8_t *p=raw->buff; trace(4,"decode_xf7eph: len=%d\n",raw->len); if ((raw->len)<93) { trace(2,"nvs xf7eph length error: len=%d\n",raw->len); return -1; } sys = (U1(p+2)==1)?SYS_GPS:((U1(p+2)==2)?SYS_GLO:SYS_NONE); prn = U1(p+3); if (!(sat=satno(sys==1?SYS_GPS:SYS_GLO,prn))) { trace(2,"nvs xf7eph satellite number error: prn=%d\n",prn); return -1; } if (sys==SYS_GPS) { return decode_gpsephem(sat,raw); } else if (sys==SYS_GLO) { return decode_gloephem(sat,raw); } return 0; } /* decode NVS rxm-sfrb: subframe buffer --------------------------------------*/ static int decode_xe5bit(raw_t *raw) { int prn; int iBlkStartIdx, iExpLen, iIdx; uint32_t words[10]; uint8_t uiDataBlocks, uiDataType; uint8_t *p=raw->buff; trace(4,"decode_xe5bit: len=%d\n",raw->len); p += 2; /* Discard preamble and message identifier */ uiDataBlocks = U1(p); if (uiDataBlocks>=16) { trace(2,"nvs xf5bit message error: data blocks %u\n", uiDataBlocks); return -1; } iBlkStartIdx = 1; for (iIdx = 0; iIdx < uiDataBlocks; iIdx++) { iExpLen = (iBlkStartIdx+10); if ((raw->len) < iExpLen) { trace(2,"nvs xf5bit message too short (expected at least %d)\n", iExpLen); return -1; } uiDataType = U1(p+iBlkStartIdx+1); switch (uiDataType) { case 1: /* Glonass */ iBlkStartIdx += 19; break; case 2: /* GPS */ iBlkStartIdx += 47; break; case 4: /* SBAS */ prn = U1(p+(iBlkStartIdx+2)) + 120; /* sat = satno(SYS_SBS, prn); */ /* sys = satsys(sat,&prn); */ memset(words, 0, 10*sizeof(uint32_t)); for (iIdx=0, iBlkStartIdx+=7; iIdx<10; iIdx++, iBlkStartIdx+=4) { words[iIdx]=U4(p+iBlkStartIdx); } words[7] >>= 6; return sbsdecodemsg(raw->time,prn,words,&raw->sbsmsg) ? 3 : 0; default: trace(2,"nvs xf5bit SNS type unknown (got %d)\n", uiDataType); return -1; } } return 0; } /* decode NVS x4aiono --------------------------------------------------------*/ static int decode_x4aiono(raw_t *raw) { uint8_t *p=raw->buff+2; trace(4,"decode_x4aiono: len=%d\n", raw->len); raw->nav.ion_gps[0] = R4(p ); raw->nav.ion_gps[1] = R4(p+ 4); raw->nav.ion_gps[2] = R4(p+ 8); raw->nav.ion_gps[3] = R4(p+12); raw->nav.ion_gps[4] = R4(p+16); raw->nav.ion_gps[5] = R4(p+20); raw->nav.ion_gps[6] = R4(p+24); raw->nav.ion_gps[7] = R4(p+28); return 9; } /* decode NVS x4btime --------------------------------------------------------*/ static int decode_x4btime(raw_t *raw) { uint8_t *p=raw->buff+2; trace(4,"decode_x4btime: len=%d\n", raw->len); raw->nav.utc_gps[1] = R8(p ); raw->nav.utc_gps[0] = R8(p+ 8); raw->nav.utc_gps[2] = I4(p+16); raw->nav.utc_gps[3] = I2(p+20); raw->nav.utc_gps[4] = I1(p+22); return 9; } /* decode NVS raw message ----------------------------------------------------*/ static int decode_nvs(raw_t *raw) { int type=U1(raw->buff+1); trace(3,"decode_nvs: type=%02x len=%d\n",type,raw->len); sprintf(raw->msgtype,"NVS: type=%2d len=%3d",type,raw->len); switch (type) { case ID_XF5RAW: return decode_xf5raw (raw); case ID_XF7EPH: return decode_xf7eph (raw); case ID_XE5BIT: return decode_xe5bit (raw); case ID_X4AIONO: return decode_x4aiono(raw); case ID_X4BTIME: return decode_x4btime(raw); default: break; } return 0; } /* input NVS raw message from stream ------------------------------------------- * fetch next NVS raw data and input a message from stream * args : raw_t *raw IO receiver raw data control struct * uint8_t data I stream data (1 byte) * return : status (-1: error message, 0: no message, 1: input observation data, * 2: input ephemeris, 3: input sbas message, * 9: input ion/utc parameter) * * notes : to specify input options, set raw->opt to the following option * strings separated by spaces. * * -EPHALL : input all ephemerides * -TADJ=tint : adjust time tags to multiples of tint (sec) * *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ extern int input_nvs(raw_t *raw, uint8_t data) { trace(5,"input_nvs: data=%02x\n",data); /* synchronize frame */ if ((raw->nbyte==0) && (data==NVSSYNC)) { /* Search a 0x10 */ raw->buff[0] = data; raw->nbyte=1; return 0; } if ((raw->nbyte==1) && (data != NVSSYNC) && (data != NVSENDMSG)) { /* Discard double 0x10 and 0x10 0x03 at beginning of frame */ raw->buff[1]=data; raw->nbyte=2; raw->flag=0; return 0; } /* This is all done to discard a double 0x10 */ if (data==NVSSYNC) raw->flag = (raw->flag +1) % 2; if ((data!=NVSSYNC) || (raw->flag)) { /* Store the new byte */ raw->buff[(raw->nbyte++)] = data; } /* Detect ending sequence */ if ((data==NVSENDMSG) && (raw->flag)) { raw->len = raw->nbyte; raw->nbyte = 0; /* Decode NVS raw message */ return decode_nvs(raw); } if (raw->nbyte == MAXRAWLEN) { trace(2,"nvs message size error: len=%d\n",raw->nbyte); raw->nbyte=0; return -1; } return 0; } /* input NVS raw message from file --------------------------------------------- * fetch next NVS raw data and input a message from file * args : raw_t *raw IO receiver raw data control struct * FILE *fp I file pointer * return : status(-2: end of file, -1...9: same as above) *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ extern int input_nvsf(raw_t *raw, FILE *fp) { int i,data, odd=0; trace(4,"input_nvsf:\n"); /* synchronize frame */ for (i=0;;i++) { if ((data=fgetc(fp))==EOF) return -2; /* Search a 0x10 */ if (data==NVSSYNC) { /* Store the frame begin */ raw->buff[0] = data; if ((data=fgetc(fp))==EOF) return -2; /* Discard double 0x10 and 0x10 0x03 */ if ((data != NVSSYNC) && (data != NVSENDMSG)) { raw->buff[1]=data; break; } } if (i>=4096) return 0; } raw->nbyte = 2; for (i=0;;i++) { if ((data=fgetc(fp))==EOF) return -2; if (data==NVSSYNC) odd=(odd+1)%2; if ((data!=NVSSYNC) || odd) { /* Store the new byte */ raw->buff[(raw->nbyte++)] = data; } /* Detect ending sequence */ if ((data==NVSENDMSG) && odd) break; if (i>=4096) return 0; } raw->len = raw->nbyte; if ((raw->len) > MAXRAWLEN) { trace(2,"nvs length error: len=%d\n",raw->len); return -1; } /* decode nvs raw message */ return decode_nvs(raw); } /* generate NVS binary message ------------------------------------------------- * generate NVS binary message from message string * args : char *msg I message string * "RESTART [arg...]" system reset * "CFG-SERI [arg...]" configure serial port property * "CFG-FMT [arg...]" configure output message format * "CFG-RATE [arg...]" configure binary measurement output rates * uint8_t *buff O binary message * return : length of binary message (0: error) * note : see reference [1][2] for details. *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ extern int gen_nvs(const char *msg, uint8_t *buff) { uint8_t *q=buff; char mbuff[1024],*args[32],*p; uint32_t byte; int iRate,n,narg=0; uint8_t ui100Ms; trace(4,"gen_nvs: msg=%s\n",msg); strcpy(mbuff,msg); for (p=strtok(mbuff," ");p&&narg<32;p=strtok(NULL," ")) { args[narg++]=p; } if (narg<1) { return 0; } *q++=NVSSYNC; /* DLE */ if (!strcmp(args[0],"CFG-PVTRATE")) { *q++=ID_XD7ADVANCED; *q++=ID_X02RATEPVT; if (narg>1) { iRate = atoi(args[1]); *q++ = (uint8_t) iRate; } } else if (!strcmp(args[0],"CFG-RAWRATE")) { *q++=ID_XF4RATERAW; if (narg>1) { iRate = atoi(args[1]); switch(iRate) { case 2: ui100Ms = 5; break; case 5: ui100Ms = 2; break; case 10: ui100Ms = 1; break; default: ui100Ms = 10; break; } *q++ = ui100Ms; } } else if (!strcmp(args[0],"CFG-SMOOTH")) { *q++=ID_XD7SMOOTH; *q++ = 0x03; *q++ = 0x01; *q++ = 0x00; } else if (!strcmp(args[0],"CFG-BINR")) { for (n=1;(n